Extending a Warm Welcome to the New Alumni!

At this year’s Spring Meeting of the Delta Zeta Alumni Association, the outgoing officers all provided reports on their activities over the past six months, as well as took a look back at the past two years to see how much growth has occurred in the DZAA. The Board also presented and took a vote on the changes to the By-Laws, which passed nearly unanimously. Once all business was concluded, it then came time to welcome to the DZAA the newest Alumni.

Chi Phi - 2015 Alumni Installation

Recent graduates Will Bramich, Philip Gilroy, Paul Hinebaugh, Blaise Levai, David Long, and Alex Watts, as well as previous graduate Tyler Cheslosky, were all present at the meeting. The President, Secretary, and Treasurer went through the formal induction ceremony with the new Alumni, and welcomed these seven Brothers into the Delta Zeta Alumni Association.

We hope that all of our Alumni will make each of these Brothers fell welcome into the DZAA, as they leave the world of school behind them and embark on this new chapter of their lives!

The New Officers of the DZAA!

The election results are in (which, quite frankly, were pretty easy to tabulate, since each position only had one nominee who accepted their nomination, thus requiring no vote!), and at the 2015 Spring General Membership Meeting, the new officers of the Delta Zeta Alumni Association assumed their new positions.

Chi Phi - 2015 New Officers

For those who missed out on the meeting, the new officers of the DZAA for the 2015-2017 term are:

President: David Ebner
Vice-President: Ryan Suarez
Secretary: Clinton Millsap
Treasurer: Quincy Banis
Archives Committee Chair: Jason Bornstein
Events Committee Chair: Philip Gilroy

Congratulations to each of these men, and a special thanks to all of them for their willingness to give of their time and dedication to continue leading the DZAA to even greater things in the coming years!

2015 Spring Meeting is Here!


The 2015 Spring Bi-Annual Meeting of the Delta Zeta Alumni Association is scheduled for Saturday, April 18, 2015. The meeting will start at 11:00 a.m. and will be held in Room MSC 3709 of the Marshall Student Center on the USF Campus.

The agenda for the meeting will include:

  1. President’s Report (Brother David Ebner)
  2. Vice-President’s Report (Brother Kyllan Purdon)
  3. Secretary’s Report (Brother Todd Latoski)
  4. Treasurer’s Report (Brother Ryan Suarez)
  5. Technology Chairman’s Report (Brother Clinton Millsap)
  6. Chapter Advisor’s Report (Brother Quincy Banis)
  7. Archivist’s Report (Brother Jason Bornstein)
  8. New Business (including revisions to the By-Laws, Alumni Installation, and Installation of new Officers)
  9. Announcements
  10. Adjournment

All Alumni are welcome, and encouraged, to attend the meeting. All Alumni who have paid their dues will be eligible to vote on the revisions to the By-Laws at the meeting. This is your opportunity to not only hear updates on what has been happening in the DZAA and what is planned for the months ahead, but it is also a chance for you to have a say in the new direction for YOUR Alumni Association.

So come out and take an active part in the DZAA, as we move into the next phase of Alumni growth!