Don’t Forget to Cast Your Vote!

bylawsThe time is running out – so don’t forget to cast your votes now for the changes to the By-Laws. In order the pass, there will need to be a total number of 27 votes so as to have a majority. So, if you haven’t voted, whether “yay” or “nay,” check your e-mail and follow the link to vote now!

The DZAA Board proposes to amend the following section of the By-Laws from:

Article IX. – Standing Committees  Section 1. The standing committees of the Delta Zeta Alumni Association shall be: Activities Committee and the Membership Committee.

To state:

Article IX. – Standing Committees  Section 1. The standing committees of the Delta Zeta Alumni Association shall be: Archives Committee, Technology Committee, Events Committee and Fundraising Committee.

This would update the current standing committees to be more in-line with the practices of the DZAA and allow for additional members to be engaged in specific roles.

The DZAA Board proposes to amend and add the following sections of the By-Laws from:

Article IX-Standing Committees Section 4. The Activities Committee shall be responsible for establishing, planning, and executing the social calendar of the Association.  Section 5. The Membership Committee shall be responsible for maintaining records of the DZAA membership and engaging members in the activities and events of the DZAA.

To state:

Article IX. – Standing Committees  Section 4. The Archives Committee shall be responsible for creating and managing a digital archive of the treasures of the DZAA. Section 5. The Technology Committee shall be responsible for the management of the DZAA website and the other various web applications it uses along with any physical pieces of technology. Section 6. The Events Committee shall be responsible for managing and planning the events of the DZAA. Section 7. The Fundraising Committee shall be responsible for managing and instituting all fundraising efforts for the DZAA, including but not limited to growing the housing fund and inciting members to pay dues.

This update would give specific direction to the new committees.

The DZAA Board proposes to create the following By-Laws:

Article XI – Standing Committees Section 8. All chairmen of standing committees will be considered full voting members of the DZAA Board and afforded all rights and responsibilities therein.