Alumni News – How Fast the Years Go By…

If there’s ever any doubt that the years just seem to fly by faster and faster, just ask Chip Woodward.  Brother Woodward and his wife are as much as in love today as they were weddingwhen they first got married – eighteen years ago!  That’s right, Brother Woodward and his wife celebrated their eighteenth wedding anniversary this week (January 20th, to be exact), and in a world where marriages seem to be “easy come, easy go,” that’s a wonderful thing to see.  And to think that his fellow Chi Phi, Brothers Jeff West and Todd Yonteck, stood with him on that special day just goes to show that your Brothers will always been there for you!

And speaking of celebrations and Brothers who are there for you – another Alumni celebrated aBirthday special event this week.  Brother Todd Latoski celebrated his birthday this past weekend, and what better way to spend it than with his fellow Alumni – Brothers Clinton Millsap, David Ebner and Kyllan Purdon!  Along with spouses and friends, they spent a rousing evening (and a more than a few dollars) enjoying all the games that Ybor City had to offer.  With may lose another year with each passing birthday, but we never lose the bonds of friendship formed in Chi Phi!