2015 is Election Year!

No, not THOSE elections (although, they are only a year away). We’re talking about the DZAA elections for the Exec Board.


As you may recall, in 2013, a new Board was elected – President David Ebner, Vice-President Kyllan Purdon, Secretary Todd Latoski, and Treasurer Ryan Suarez. Over the past two years, these Alumni have worked hard to breathe new life into the Delta Zeta Alumni Association – under their watchful eye, the By-Laws for the DZAA have been updated, the corporate status for the DZAA has been brought current, the annual Scholarship Scramble was successfully created, a number of social events have been organized (including the on-going Third Thursdays), a Technology Chair, an Archivist, and a Chapter Advisor have all been appointed, and they are currently working to bring back the Man-cation!

It has been a great two years, ???????????????????????????????but this is only the beginning! And now is your opportunity to step up and take a part in the future success of the DZAA. At the Spring Bi-Annual meeting in April, the DZAA will be holding elections for all four positions: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

You will be the next leaders of the DZAA, so start thinking now about the position for which you would like to nominate yourself (or perhaps you have someone you would like to nominate). As April draws close, we will begin taking nominations and will send out the ballots just prior to the meeting.

Remember – the DZAA is YOUR Alumni Association – so who do you want leading it?

It’s Never Too Early to Think About Golfing!

PuttingWhile it may be only January, it’s not too early to start thinking about the USF / Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble. That’s right! In 2015, the DZAA will be hosting its Third Annual golf tournament. The purpose of this event is to raise money for the DZAA’s scholarship fund, which provides scholarships to young men attending the University of South Florida.

The tradition started in 2013, and last year, we had an amazing turn-out for our second golf scramble. We are extremely thankful for each and every one who has supported the event, as it was you who helped make our scramble the great success that it was!

The DZAA is already planning the 2015 Scramble, which is set to take place at the Babe Zaharias Golf Course on Sunday, 2015 IMageOctober 25, 2015, with a tee time of 8:30 a.m. Once again, we will have prizes for the first, second, and third place teams, as well as prizes to be awarded for the longest drive, the closest to the pin, and the putting competition, as well as door and raffle prizes. Lunch, of course, will be provided.

For more information, such as the cost and full details of registration, check out the web page at http://usfchiphialumni.com/golf/

Are You Ready for Rush?

With a new year comes a new semester at USF – and as well all know, that means Rush Week is nearly upon us. This semester, the Actives in the Delta Zeta Chapter are looking to increase their presence on campus and recruit new members with significant academic achievement.

Rush Chi Phi

The Brothers in the Active Chapter realize that having a larger Chapter can open more doors for everyone, as it will increase the amount of networking and leadership opportunities now, as well as in the future. (And, in case we forget, more new members = more Alumni!)

The Actives have designed a whole new look for their Spring 2015 rush shirt; and this year, due to interest from sororities, parents, and Alumni, the Chapter has decided to sell rush shirts for $10 each. The money collected from the sales of the shirts will be put to use during Rush Week and future Chapter activities.

Rush Chi Phi Shirt

Rush Week begins January 19th with the IFC Open House, and continues through the 20th, 21st, and 22nd, with a number of activities planned. The Alumni are encouraged to be involved and help out. For those who can attend and are interested in helping, you are encouraged to contact the Recruitment Chair, Alex Watts.

We are all looking forward to the Chapter having a successful 2015 Spring Rush Week!