What Chi Phi Really Teaches Us…

Ever wondered just what Chi Phi can do for you? Well, Brother Blaise Levai found out on Thursday exactly what Chi Phi has done for him when, in his Law and Politics class, he was called upon to lead a Mock Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on the confirmation of a fictional Supreme Court Justice nominee.


“I was Chair of the Judiciary Committee,” Brother Levai states, “and I had to facilitate the hearing, start the questioning of the nominee, and ultimately lead a final vote. My experience in Chi Phi helped me run the hearing, due to my active participation in the Chapter. Looking at the Alphas during my time with Delta Zeta (Philip Gilroy and Jose Suarez) helped me learn how to conduct myself in a professional setting. Being exposed to those experiences in Chi Phi helped me run the 90-minute hearing.”

Brother Levai was pleased to share this experience, which he said was definitely a “full circle” moment for him, and what’s more, it helped him appreciate Chi Phi a lot more.

Congrats to Brother Levai for a job well done, and for reminding us all of just how much we truly have gained from our experience as Chi Phis!

Looking Ahead – Changes in the DZAA for the Coming Year

A lot has changed in the past year for the DZAA – a new website, regular Chi-Phi-2013outings every third Thursday, a golf tournament, an anniversary celebration, a re-dedication to buying a house, and so much more. It has been exciting to see this Alumni Association come back to life in so many different ways. And, as we continue grow, we’ll continue to see changes as we try new things – to see what works and what doesn’t, and ultimately, to find those things that best serve the Alumni and our Chapter.

And with growth comes change.

One change is our Association’s fiscal year. Previously, the fiscal year has always run from April 1st of each year through March 31st of the following year. In order to avoid any conflicts with major events (such as the Founders’ Weekend, which takes place each year in April), and also, to coincide with the fiscal year of the Chi Phi National Office, a vote was taken at the last meeting of the General Membership of the DZAA to change the fiscal year to July 1st through June 30th. This will help streamline the financial flow, particularly with two major events now occurring each year – Founders’ Weekend in April and the USF/Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble in October.

Another change is the addition of two new members added to the Executive Board for the DZAA – the Technology Chairman and the Archivist. Brother Clinton Millsap has already brought so much to the table in his “unofficial” capacity with the Board, but at the last General Meeting, the membership voted to make the Technology Chairman an official member of the Board, to be appointed by the other members. The other new member, the Archivist, has yet to be appointed by the Board.   The Archivist will maintain all of the DZAA records and history, and the Board is currently looking for someone to fill that position.

One more change that will come into effect on July 1st is the amount of dues that Alumni will pay to stay an active member of the DZAA. Previously, the cost of annual dues was only $25 per year, which amount has not changed in a long time – however, with the increased number of activities now being offered keep-calm-and-pay-your-dues-7throughout the year, as well as the additional benefits (such as t-shirts provided to all paid members for the annual Scarlet vs Blue softball game), it was determined that the best way to maximize the Association’s ability to continue offering activities and benefits to the Alumni at no charge or discounted rates was to increase the cost of annual dues. Thus, beginning with the 2014-15 fiscal year, the annual dues for each member will be $50, which become due as of July 1, 2014. But, with the increased membership dues comes more benefits and activities that the Alumni can look forward to!

Change is afoot, fellow Alumni, but it’s good change that will only lead the DZAA to bigger and better things!

What Did Your Chi Do For You?

DSCN3879For those Alumni who attended the annual Scarlet vs Blue softball game last month, you no doubt remember that during the picnic afterwards, we hosted the first ever Rent-A-Chi Fundraiser as a means to raise money for the Housing Fund. It’s been a month now, and so the question has been raised – what did your Chi do for you?

Did he wash your car?
Did he fix your computer?
Did he clean out your garage?

The Exec Board is looking for feedback from those of you who participated and actually won an auction that day – and just in case you’ve forgotten, here are the winning bidders:

Philip Gilroy won DAVID EBNER
Joshua Cleveland won PHILIP GILROY
Clinton Millsap won KYLLAN PURDON
Paul Michael Acosta won PAUL MICHAEL ACOSTA
Chip Woodward won TODD LATOSKI
Arianna Muniz won BLAISE LEVAI
Todd Latoski won CLINTON MILSAP
Melody Bernstein won ALEX WATTS
Alex Watts won NATHAN DRASS
Clinton Millsap won QUINCY BANIS

Share your DSCN3877stories of what you had your Chi do for you – and share pictures too, so that we can post them on the website for all of the Alumni to see!   All monies raised by the auction went directly into the Housing Fund, and in order to gauge its true success, we need to hear from you!

All stories and photos can be e-mailed to dzaa@gmail.com.