Google It, Chi Phi!

Pretty much everyone these days uses Google – on the internet, it’s pretty much the go-to for finding anything on the web. But here’s something you probably didn’t know: one of our very own, a Delta Zeta Brother, now works at Google!

Having joined Chi Phi back in the Fall of 2007, Brother Tony Dieppa ultimately graduated in 2010 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. Me Big BrotherFrom there, this amazing young man went on to graduate school at the University of Florida, where he graduated in 2013 with a Master of Science in Entrepreneurship.

When he first graduated, Brother Dieppa originally thought he would get into computer security research, but quickly found himself disillusioned with academia shortly after starting his Masters studies. “One day,” he says, “I just decided I needed a change, and left for Japan for six months to do a bit of soul-searching. After returning, I wanted to start my own venture and proceeded to do so while I worked on my MS in Entrepreneurship.” While ultimately starting his own company is still Brother Dieppa’s goal, he decided that his dream job before launching off on his own would be to join Google or Facebook and really grow in his abilities.

After graduating, he joined Syniverse Technologies and worked on a Wi-Fi calling product that he had the opportunity to test while he was abroad in Japan, and later again in Ireland. Shortly thereafter, he started working on his own venture, Eatable, and jointed a start-up out of Miami called New Frontier Nomads. Within that team, he launched “NFL Now” to millions of users nationwide.

Brother Dieppa’s success in getting hired on with Google was a matter of knowing the right people. “Initially,” he states, I was looking for a way to go out west and find a team I could join to really grow my skills. After talking with some friends, I discovered that I had contacts in Google who could refer me. After that, the rest is history!” Me Google - 2He applied for the position because he wanted something that was more than “just another job.” He was looking specifically for a team of people who could challenge him, an environment where he could grow and a destination where he could meet the right people to move his plans forward. “Joining Google,” Dieppa says, “brings me several steps closer to my ultimate goal!”

When he was offered the job, he was ecstatic. It was a long series of challenging interviews, but for Brother Dieppa, it felt amazing to know that he was ultimately deemed to be Google material. Now that he’s on board, he plans to continue growing his skills with Google for the next few years, to proper him for the final phase of his plans. Areas he is hoping to grow are not only his technical skills, but also his leadership abilities.

Brother Dieppa is definitely a shining example of Chi Phi success, and he provides an inspiration to our Active Chapter’s members as to what one can achieve with the drive and determination that a true Chi Phi possesses.

200 Posts Later…

It’s been nearly a year and a half since the DZAA website was re-vamped, and we began posting regular articles that (we hope!) would provide our Alumni with updates, news, and opportunities that would be important to them.

This post is, believe it or not, our 200th consecutive post to the DZAA website!!!


We hope that this website has become an important part of your weekly routine, as it provides a means whereby you can stay in touch with your Brothers and fellow Alumni – where you can learn what’s going on in their lives, and they can find out what you’ve been up to. Certainly, this website would not be the success it is without each and every one of you and the contributions you have provided over the past year and a half.

It isn’t always easy keeping up with three new posts to the website (every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, for those of you who haven’t been keeping track!), particularly in finding information that would be directly relevant to our Alumni. But that’s where you have played such a large part! With our “Where Are They Now?” articles, the “Chi Phi Heroes” articles, as well as some of the more personal stories that some of you have shared, you have helped keep the website not only relevant, but also poignant and memorable. And for that – we thank you!

We appreciate your continued support and feedback, and here’s looking forward to the next 200 posts!