To Those Who Have Paid – THANK YOU!


The Delta Zeta Alumni Association would like to extend a special THANK YOU to all of the Alumni who have started this fiscal year off right by paying their dues without delay.

Matt Bradarich
Clinton Milsap
Rob Bailey
Kyllan Purdon
James McKinley
Todd Latoski

To each and every one of the above Alumni – THANK YOU! The payment of your dues is what helps the DZAA continue to flourish and provide events for the Delta Zeta Alumni. If you don’t see your name up there, what are you waiting for?

The annual dues for each member for the 2014/15 fiscal year is $50. For more information about the annual dues, how to pay, and where to send payment, contact our DZAA Treasurer, Ryan Suarez, at

Dues Are Due!

As many of you may recall (and some of you may not know!), effective July 1st, the amount of dues to stay an active member of the DZAA became due.  Previously, the cost of annual dues was only $25 per year, which amount has not changed in a long time – however, with the increased number of activities now being offered throughout the year, as well as the additional benefits (such as t-shirts provided to all paid members for the annual Scarlet vs Blue softball game), it was determined that the best way to maximize the Association’s ability to continue offering activities and benefits to the Alumni at no charge or discounted rates was to increase the cost of annual dues. Thus, with the 2014-15 fiscal year, the annual dues for each member is $50, which became due one July 1, 2014.


Alumni are encouraged to stay current and pay their 2014-15 dues as soon as possible. With the increased membership dues comes more benefits and activities that the Alumni can look forward to!

For more information about the annual dues, how to pay, and where to send payment, contact our DZAA Treasurer, Ryan Suarez, at