Check Out the Chakett!


The Fall 2013 issue of The Chi Phi Chakett is out!  Hopefully you didn’t put it aside without reading it, because if you did, then you missed out on seeing the Delta Zeta Alumni Association – not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES in this one issue!

On page 15, the Chakett highlights innovative ways that various Chapters and DSCN2126Alumni Associations help increase their College Excellence Funds.  Xi Delta (from the Florida Institute of Technology) uses excess housing funds, Iota Delta Alumni Association (from Indiana University) sold Kroger gift cards, and – – yes, that’s right, the Delta Zeta Alumni Association is highlighted for its first annual golf tournament!  While we didn’t quite meet the $10,000 goal mentioned in the article, the tournament was still a success, and it is definitely exciting to see our Association’s fundraising efforts mentioned for all Chi Phi to see!

Then, on the very next page (page 16), we find an article that congratulates all of the winners of the 2013 Chi Phi Scholarships.  If you look closely at that picture of the men DSCN2127who were recognized at the Congressional Awards Banquet and Scholarship Luncheon, you’ll see our very own alumnus, Brother David Ebner, who was the recipient of a Neel Scholarship!  The Neel Scholarship was created from a $250,000 bequest provided to Chi Phi by Ms. Eugenia Neel, who provided this gift in honor of her father and brothers, all of whom were Chi Phi men!  Congratulations goes out to Brother Ebner for being selected as a scholarship recipient!

And last, but certainly not least, way back near the end on page 41, you’ll see a nearly half-page picture of the Delta Zeta DSCN2129Alumni Association from their volunteering efforts at Rebuilding Together Tampa Bay.  This picture originally was shown on the Chakett online magazine, but to have it published in the print edition of the Chakett is an incredible thrill, to know that the National Office, in printing this issue, felt the DZAA’s community service worthy of acknowledging in such a way!  Snaps to Brothers Purdon, Shah, Ebner, Suarez, Millsap, Dafnis, and Holm for their volunteering efforts!

If you didn’t read the Chakett, go back and read it now – see how your Alumni Association is on the move in 2013 and get ready to get involved as we move on the even greater things in 2014!