In the News – Sam Foster, John Baker

STARTING TODAY, every other Monday on this newsfeed, we will feature Alumni News – anything going on, not just with the Delta Zeta Alumni Association itself, but also any big announcements pertaining to the individual Alumni, will be shared here.

383305_10151202495787419_679239300_nBig thanks goes out to Brother Sam Foster, who paid his Alumni Association dues in September.  As more Alumni pay their dues, not only do they increase the amount of Brothers who are eligible to vote at the upcoming Fall DZAA meeting, but they also assist in keeping the Association going so that we can continue to offer social activities, special events, and functions.  Snaps to Brother Foster and all the other Alumni who are current on their dues!


574456_10151123143102964_737235974_nIn other news, Brother John Baker sends out his thanks all who participated in sending him the care package recently.  With the money raised in donations, the DZAA was able to send Brother Baker, who is a sergeant in the armed forces serving his country in Afghanistan, a number of cigars, eight cans of dip, three big bags of Beef Jerky, a bag of candy-size Snickers, 12 full-size Snickers bars, some flea collars for his ankles, a bag of coffee, and a T-shirt from Greek Unique.  Being able to send care packages such as this is just one way the DZAA can help encourage those DZAA Heroes who are putting their lives on the line to defend our country and maintain the freedom that you and I enjoy each and every day.  Plans are being made to continue this tradition for others who are serving as well.

If you’ve got news or an announcement, please let us know so that we can post it here and all of your Brothers can share in it!