Welcome Delta Zeta’s Newest Brother!

Chi Phi New 6The Spring 2015 semester at USF welcomed a new Brother into the fold of Delta Zeta – and that would be David Long. Raised in northeast Florida, David is a graduate of St. Augustine High School. He served in the U.S. Army as a light infrantryman and is a combat veteran of Operation Enduring and Iraqui Freedom. After serving in anti-terrorist operations post-9/11, as well as many civil relief operations through the State of Florida while serving the Florida National Guard, David received an honorable discharge.

Chi Phi New 3David is currently a senior at USF, earning his Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications. Upon graduation, he is interested in finding employment in public safety.

The DZAA extends its warmest welcome to our newest Brother, David Long, and certainly wishes him all the best as he completes his degree as a fellow Chi Phi!

Delta Zeta Gears Up to Welcome New Members!

The DZ Chapter had a successful Rush Week last week – between the meet ‘n greet, the bbq/picnic, and the late night of snacks at the house, the Chapter met with a number of potential new members. Rush Chi Phi

“Pretty successful so far,” said Chapter Alpha, Brother Corey Irby. “But it’s not over yet!” While the Chapter recognizes some area of Rush that they are already planning for improvement in the Fall, they are confident that they will be able to welcome at least four new members into the Fraternity.


The Bid Rally is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, January 28, 2015, and the DZAA looks forward to watching the Chapter grow!

Are You Ready for Rush?

With a new year comes a new semester at USF – and as well all know, that means Rush Week is nearly upon us. This semester, the Actives in the Delta Zeta Chapter are looking to increase their presence on campus and recruit new members with significant academic achievement.

Rush Chi Phi

The Brothers in the Active Chapter realize that having a larger Chapter can open more doors for everyone, as it will increase the amount of networking and leadership opportunities now, as well as in the future. (And, in case we forget, more new members = more Alumni!)

The Actives have designed a whole new look for their Spring 2015 rush shirt; and this year, due to interest from sororities, parents, and Alumni, the Chapter has decided to sell rush shirts for $10 each. The money collected from the sales of the shirts will be put to use during Rush Week and future Chapter activities.

Rush Chi Phi Shirt

Rush Week begins January 19th with the IFC Open House, and continues through the 20th, 21st, and 22nd, with a number of activities planned. The Alumni are encouraged to be involved and help out. For those who can attend and are interested in helping, you are encouraged to contact the Recruitment Chair, Alex Watts.

We are all looking forward to the Chapter having a successful 2015 Spring Rush Week!