What Chi Phi Really Teaches Us…

Ever wondered just what Chi Phi can do for you? Well, Brother Blaise Levai found out on Thursday exactly what Chi Phi has done for him when, in his Law and Politics class, he was called upon to lead a Mock Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on the confirmation of a fictional Supreme Court Justice nominee.


“I was Chair of the Judiciary Committee,” Brother Levai states, “and I had to facilitate the hearing, start the questioning of the nominee, and ultimately lead a final vote. My experience in Chi Phi helped me run the hearing, due to my active participation in the Chapter. Looking at the Alphas during my time with Delta Zeta (Philip Gilroy and Jose Suarez) helped me learn how to conduct myself in a professional setting. Being exposed to those experiences in Chi Phi helped me run the 90-minute hearing.”

Brother Levai was pleased to share this experience, which he said was definitely a “full circle” moment for him, and what’s more, it helped him appreciate Chi Phi a lot more.

Congrats to Brother Levai for a job well done, and for reminding us all of just how much we truly have gained from our experience as Chi Phis!

Fundraiser News – Rent-A-Chi at the Annual Picnic

auction-hammerIt’s less than a week away, as both the Alumni and the Actives gear up for that annual Scarlet vs. Blue / Active vs. Alumni softball game on Sunday, April 13, 2014.  Immediately after the softball game, the Actives will host a picnic or all in attendance.  And, the fundraiser everyone’s been waiting for will finally take place:

RENT-A-CHI is here!

As has been previously announced, RENT-A-CHI is a fundraiser unlike any other.  This is Delta Zeta Alumni Association’s auction of its own.  Instead of works of art, family heirlooms, or other prized possessions, the DZAA will be auctioning off Delta Zeta Brothers!  RENT-A-CHI is an opportunity for you to bid on, and win, a Delta Zeta Brother for an afternoon.

There will be ten (10) Brothers – a mix of both Active and Alumni, new and old – up for auction, ready to do whatever task you may put before them.

Brother David Ebner –Alumni
Brother Philip Gilroy – Active
Brother Kyllan Purdon – Alumni
Brother Miles C. White – Active
Brother Todd Latoski –Alumni
Brother Blaise Levai – Active
Brother Clinton Millsap – Alumni
Brother Benjamin Katz – Active
Brother Nathan Drass – Active
Brother Sean Patrick McHugh – Active

The auction will be open to any and all in attendance – Alumni, Active Brothers, spouses, significant others, family, friends –anyone who wants to bid (doesn’t matter whether you are a Chi Phi Active Brother, Alumni, a Crestspouse/significant other, a Sorority Sister, a parent, etc.) is more to welcome!  So, while we are enjoying the annual picnic after the softball game this year, we’ll also be raising money to finally purchase a Chi Phi House.  While we do ask that payment for the auction be made at the picnic, we are making it convenient for everyone by accepting cash, check, or debit/credit cards.  Starting bids for each of the Chi to be auctioned will be $20, to increase at a rate and amount to be determined by you, as the bidders!

GUIDELINES for the actual services being performed by the Chi (but not limited to):

–              any physical labor within the means of the individual
–              any mental labor within the means of the individual
–              no embarrassing requirements
(i.e. clean house in underwear, wash car in a tutu, wear make-up to grocery)
–              nothing that would endanger a Chi’s life
(i.e. clean out a snake’s nest , climb cell tower to find a bird’s nest, etc.)
–              nothing that requires a Chi to pay money
(i.e. buy me lunch, take me to a movie, fill my car up with gas, etc.)
–              no more than 8 hours of time to be required
(if the Chi and the winning bidder agree between the two for a longer time, that is between them)

Man washing his carEXAMPLES of acceptable services (but not limited to):

–              bathe my dog
–              organize my garage
–              re-arrange my living room
–              wash my car
–              help me research a paper
–              fix / clean up my computer
–              mow my lawn / landscape my yard
–              attend CrossFit with me
–              kick back and watch a sporting event

And take note – every cent raised in this fundraiser will go directly into the Delta Zeta Housing Fund!  Mark your calendars for April 13th and start saving that spare change now – this is one auction you won’t want to miss out on!

Social News – April’s 30th Anniversary Celebration Events

For the month of April, Third Thursday is taking a back-seat to Second Friday.  To coincide with the Delta Zeta 30th Anniversary Celebration, the DZAA will be hosting its monthly cocktail hour on Friday, April 11th at The Pub, located at 2223 North West Shore Boulevard, Tampa, Florida  33607 (http://www.experiencethepub.com/tampa-bay).  As with our regular Third TAS_THEPUB021611_162614a_8colThursdays, we will provide some appetizers, but, of course, you are more than welcome to order food and drinks from the menu.  The Pub even offers a “Pour Your Own Beer” bar in the upstairs loft, where our event will take place.  Guests/spouses/significant others are more than welcome to join in on the fun!  If you are coming into town for the 30th anniversary celebration of the Delta Zeta Alumni Association, you won’t want to miss out on this opening night event!

Of course, Saturday, April 12th will be the Spring meeting of the Delta Zeta Alumni Association in the afternoon, with the 30th Anniversary Banquet to be held that evening.

And don’t forget that Sunday, April 13th DSCN3714is the annual Scarlet vs. Blue / Actives vs. Alumni classic softball game where the Alumni will remind the Actives the reason why the DZAA has held on to that trophy for so long.  The game will be held at the USF Riverfront Park on East Fletcher Avenue in Tampa.  We will meet there at 10:00 a.m., and the game will start promptly at 10:30 a.m.  After the Alumni win the game, there will be a picnic with food provided by the Actives, during which, the DZAA will host its first Rent-A-Chi fundraiser to help raise money for the Housing Fund.

Next weekend (April 11th – April 13th) is going to be a huge Delta Zeta celebration that you won’t want to miss out on!  Make your plans now, and we hope to see you there!