Chapter News – Delta Zeta Spikes It Up!

The Brothers of the Delta Zeta Chapter have done it again!  Their ongoing run of first place trophies and ribbons continues as the Brothers took home the first place overall trophy at Chi Omega’s Spike It Up Fundraiser this past weekend.

Chi Phi Spike it Up

Spike It Up is Chi Omega’s annual philanthrophy, all the proceeds from which go to benefit the Make-A-Wish organization.  It is a bracket style volleyball competition that, every year, sees a great turnout from the various Greek organizations on campus.

So congratulations to the Active Brothers for another great win!

NEEDED – Blasts from the Past

Okay, Alumni, we’re calling on you.  Whether you graduated 15 years ago, 5 years ago, or 1 year ago – we know you’ve got photographs of all the fantastic memories you made while an Active Brother of the Delta Zeta Chapter.  Now it’s time to share some of those memories.

 Young Once

At the 30th Anniversary Banquet, set to take place on Saturday, April 12, 2014 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (and if you haven’t already bought your tickets, you’d better hurry up!  Time’s running out, and so are the tickets!), the Delta Zeta Alumni Association will be sharing a special slideshow presentation, flashing back through the past 30 years of Delta Zeta’s rich history.

From the founding members to the most recent new members, this is going to be a special trip down memory lane that you can have a part in making.  We are asking each and every one of you to share at least one (if not more!) photographs to include in the slideshow.

The Past

Please contact Brother Todd Latoski, either via Facebook or by e-mail, to provide your photographs to be included.  Make sure with each photograph, you include the year, the event, and the names of each Brother in the photograph – from the most elegant formals to the most outrageous parties, don’t be shy!  The more photographs you share, the more memories the Alumni will have a change to reminisce about at the Banquet.

It’s been 30 years of Delta Zeta greatness – so let’s see what memories you’ve got to share!

Social News – Scarlet vs Blue: Who’s Gonna Win?

It’s that time of year again, dear Alumni – that time when the Actives think they have what it takes to steal that trophy away from the Alumni.  It’s the annual Scarlet vs. Blue softball game on Sunday, April 13, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at the USF Riverfront Park.  Looking back, one can see that the Alumni have had quite the winning streak:

Scarlet v Blue

Alumni – 4 / Chapter – 0

However, if we aren’t careful, this could be the Chapter’s year!  With an ever growing Chapter and an even stronger determination on their part to show what they are made of, the Alumni can’t get over-confident!

So make plans now to come out to the park on Sunday, April 13th to show your support from your fellow Alumni – or, even better, pick up a bat and glove and join the fun!  All skill levels are welcome.  Bring the whole family, as there will be plenty of fun for spouses/significant others and kids, too.

The game will start promptly at 10:30 a.m. and will be followed by a picnic provided by the Chapter.  This year, the DZAA will be selling t-shirts specifically for the event, and a pre-order form will be coming soon.  All Alumni who have paid their 2013 dues will receive a free t-shirt!

And lest you forget, during the picnic, we will be holding our first annual Rent-A-Chi auction to help raise money for the DZAA Housing Fund.

This is definitely going to be an event to be remembered, so don’t miss out!  For more information, check out the website at