Chapter News – Spring Rush!

Next week is Rush Week for the Delta Zeta Chapter of Chi Phi at University of South Florida.  The Active Brothers are excited about Rush, and their hope is to see the Chapter grow with some new gentlemen who exemplify the Chi Phi standards.  The Brothers have a lot of fun activities planned, from pigging out on pizza to showing their skills at bowling to raising the stakes with poker – all culminating in the Friday evening Traditions Dinner.

Rush Week

As always, the Actives want to invite the Alumni to come out and participate in as many events as possible to show potential recruits just how active the Alumni are in the Fraternity and the close relationship the Active Chapter has with the Alumni Association.  If you have any, or all, of the nights next week available, please consider joining in on the fun!

For questions, you can contact the Rush Chair, Alex Sadowski, (609) 781-0976.

Chapter News – Celebrating Chanukah

With all of the hoopla about the Thanksgiving holidays and the upcoming Christmas holidays, sometimes we forget about the Chanukah celebration that takes place each year.  This year, Chanukah was from November 27th through December 5th, and the Active Brothers co-sponsored a Chabbat event with Chabad USF.


Rabbi Pinny made an appearance at the event and shared some words of wisdom and encouragement, while the Brothers and others in attendance enjoyed sufganiyahs (the Jewish holiday donut) and homemade latkas.  There was also a candle ceremony, with everyone lighting their candle and singing a traditional prayer, and plenty of socializing with Chabad and other USF Greek organizations who were in attendance.

Remembering that Chi Phi’s Brotherhood recognizes and embraces diversity, it’s great to see our Active Brothers take part in another traditional holiday celebration!

Delta Zeta Stays Active!

For those that may have missed it, it definitely bears repeating.  With the new year of college starting up, it’s refreshing to know that the active chapter is still going strong.  Not only did the Chapter pass the accreditation program with the National Office, but they were ranked in the top 10%!  Below is the report from the Chapter Alpha, Brother Ryan Kirchoffer:


On behalf of the active chapter I wanted to take a moment to affirm to you the strength of our chapter. At the National Congress in Baltimore this Summer we received the score from our accreditation report. (For those of you who might not be aware with the program, the accreditation program is relatively new and measures the strength of a chapter in various subjects in order to get a broader sense of how well the chapter operates.) We are proud to inform you that not only did we pass, and are accredited for the second semester in a row, but we passed with flying colors. We are currently accredited with distinction meaning we were in the top 10% for our overall accreditation score. We received the fifth highest score out of the over 50 chapters that submitted. I wanted to let you know that the chapter is stronger than it has ever been and will continue to improve in the coming semesters.

Ryan Kirchoffer

DZAA - Active Chapter

It’s great to see the Chapter is thriving, but it isn’t always an easy task.  We were in their shoes not that long ago (relatively speaking!), so let’s give them all the support we can for continued growth and success!