Catching Up with the Chapter – New Leadership!

Delta Zeta Actives

Change is good for the soul – and the changing of the guard often breathes new life into things. Such is the case of the new Executive Board for the Delta Zeta Chapter at USF. This semester has seen a new Exec Board come into place, and it is certainly anticipated that the new Board will bring with it some fresh, new ideas, as well as some excitement and enthusiasm!

The new Board members are:


ALPHA – Corey Marchello Irby


BETA – Nathan Drass

Corey 2

GAMMA – Jake Heintz


DELTA – Miles White

Corey 2

EPSILON – Paul Hinebaugh

Corey 2

ZETA – Blaise Levai


ETA – Matt Deem

The Alumni want to congratulate each of these Brothers for taking on these new roles within the Fraternity, and we know they will all work hard to help the Delta Zeta Chapter grow, not just in numbers, but in strength, commitment, and duty.

Keep up the good work, gentlemen, as you lead the Delta Zeta Chapter to greater heights – know that you have the full support of the DZAA!

Delta Zeta – Fall 2014 Rush Week!


Okay, Alumni, it’s that time again – time to support our Active Chapter as they get ready to enter Rush Week for the Fall 2014 semester. The Actives have some great activities planned, and if you are in, or are planning to be in, the Tampa area over the next week, it would definitely be a great show of support if you could participate in some of the activities.

Friday, September 5th
CIGAR NIGHT, 5 pm – 7:45 pm
Cigar Castle, 11724 North 56th Street, Tampa, Florida 33617

Tuesday, September 9th
WING NIGHT, 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Marshall Student Center Ampitheater, USF Campus, Tampa, Florida

Wednesday, September 10th
MEET THE ALUMNI, 7 pm – 8:45 pm
Chi Phi House, 13410 Village Circle, Apt. 109, Tampa, Florida 33617

Friday, September 12th

The Actives would love to have the Alumni show up at any/all of the events – but the most important one is the “MEET THE ALUMNI” night on Wednesday evening, September 10th. This is an opportunity for prospective new members to meet not only the current Actives in the Chapter, but to meet the Alumni and see and hear just how Chi Phi has impacted their lives.
Let’s step up and help the Actives during their Fall 2014 Rush Week – make plans now to attend any and all events that you can!

Chapter News – As the Semester Ends…

And so another semester comes to an end at the University of South Florida, and the Delta Zeta Chapter readies itself for not only a Summer Break, but also it gears up for the coming Fall Semester.  Current Alpha, Phillip Gilroy, had a few words to share looking back:

“This past semester has been a productive semester for Delta Zeta. Despite not Alexhaving the best beginning this year, we finished strong. Unfortunately, only 2 new members were initiated. However, the Fall Semester looks very promising, with Rush Events already planned out. IFC has recently banned informal recruitment; so all new members must go through theMike formal bidding process. We are looking at having an Alumni Mixer with potential new members as a Rush Event. We participated in four (4) philanthropies, and won 1 of them, that being Chi LeonOmega’s ‘Sand Slam,’ which is a volleyball tournament. We also began to complete the Standards Of Fraternal Excellence for this year, and we are looking at hopefully getting Most Improved Chapter, as well as Chapter with Recognition in December. The Brothers who have either just graduated, or are graduating this summer are Alexander Sadowski, Michael Rizer, and Leon Ishikawa. If anybody has any questions feel free to contact me.

Philip Gilroy”

Snaps to the Chapter for all of their hard work, for the continuing drive to strive for success, and for producing gentlemen who portray the true qualities of a Chi Phi!  And congratulations to the recent graduates, as they enter into the world and join the rest of the Alumni as a part of the DZAA!

Enjoy the Summer, gentlemen, we look forward to seeing what you’re going to do in the Fall!