30th Anniversary Recap – PART THREE

This was it!  Sunday was the final day of the 30th–ish Anniversary celebration, and what better way to close it out than with our annual Scarlet vs. Blue / Actives vs. Alumni softball game and picnic at Riverfront Park?


The turnout was amazing, with some unexpected guests, such as Ron Frank and Rob Bailey, who came out to support the Alumni.  But don’t for one second think it was an easy win (was there really any doubt that we would win?)!  The Actives started off the game with a bang, taking an early lead of 6 to 0 in the first inning.  The Alumni, however, may have started off slow, but they definitely showed their stuff as they quickly took over the lead in the second inning, ultimately leading to a final score after 7 innings of 29 to 18 – and the Alumni took home the trophy yet again!


Following the game, everyone gathered in the pavilion for hot dogs and hamburgers – as well as the first annual Rent-A-Chi fundraiser!  It was an auction like you’ve never seen before as Alumni and Actives alike allowed themselves to be auctioned off to help raise money for the Delta Zeta Housing Fund.  Due to a few last minute cancellations, we had some Brothers step up to the plate and substitute in for the missing Chis who were to be auctioned.  The results were as follows:


Philip Gilroy had the winning bid for DAVID EBNER
Joshua Cleveland bid against himself to win PHILIP GILROY

Clinton Millsap won the auction for KYLLAN PURDON

Paul Michael Acosta – well, he won an auction for … PAUL MICHAEL ACOSTA
Chip Woodward shelled out the dough for TODD LATOSKI
Arianna Muniz kept on bidding until she won BLAISE LEVAI

Todd Latoski managed to snag the winning bid for CLINTON MILSAP
Melody Bernstein was the winning bidder for ALEX WATTS

Alex Watts turned right around and won the bid for NATHAN DRASS
Clinton Millsap finished the auction with a winning bid for QUINCY BANIS

Ten Brothers + Ten Auctions = $396.00 raised to increase the funds in the Delta Zeta Housing Fund.  Thanks to each and every one of the Brothers who were willing to donate themselves (and their time and skills) for the auction, and a special thanks to each and every person who donated their money for the winning bids.  Now it’s a matter of waiting to see just what these Chis have to do for the ones who purchased them at the auction…hmmmm….


There is absolutely no doubt that the weekend was a success – not just financially, for the increase in the Housing Fund as well as the re-establishment of the Orders Account, but in the amazing turnouts we had at each and every one of the events – the Happy Hour, the Bi-Annual Meeting, the Banquet, the softball game, and the picnic/Rent-A-Chi auction.  If you were not able to make it to any of the events, don’t worry – next year will be here before you know it!  So start making plans now!

Chapter News – Serving Chi Phi and the Community

The election results are in, and Philip Gilroy 208691_10150213412442448_1423786_nhas been voted in as the next Alpha, to serve the Fraternity in 2014.  Brother Gilroy has been active in the Fraternity on campus, and he states, “I am honored to be voted in as the next Alpha.  I would like to please both the Active Chapter and the Alumni.  If there is anything that you would like to see happen, please contact me.  I look forward to working with everyone.”  The Alumni Association congratulates Brother Gilroy on his new position!

But wait – there’s more!  The Chapter also elected more than just the Alpha!  After the votes were tallied, the new Exec Board and Chairs were named:  Miles White is the new Beta; 1463134_698308236847035_823123041_nNathan Drass is the new Gamma; Billy De Guzman is the new Delta; Michael Bennett is the new Epsilon; Blaise Levai is the new Zeta; Benyamin Katz is the new Eta; Alex Sadowski is the new Recruitment Chair; and Rico is the new Pi/Pledge Ed Chair.  Congratulations go out to each and every Brother as they step into these new roles, and we look forward to seeing the Chapter grow and strengthen under their leadership!

1425738_10153475672800006_1142331265_nThe Chapter also recently donated their time and efforts to assist the Boys and Girls Club of America, by cleaning and painting and providing necessary manpower and assistance in much needed clean up for the 1470368_10153475672740006_2111501229_norganization.  The Boys and Girls Club of America is Chi Phi’s national philanthropy, and the Chapter recently raised $450 to help the organization.  Now, in addition to money, they have given of their time and talents to further assist!  Snaps to all of the Active Brothers who participated in the community service event!