Extending a Warm Welcome to the New Alumni!

At this year’s Spring Meeting of the Delta Zeta Alumni Association, the outgoing officers all provided reports on their activities over the past six months, as well as took a look back at the past two years to see how much growth has occurred in the DZAA. The Board also presented and took a vote on the changes to the By-Laws, which passed nearly unanimously. Once all business was concluded, it then came time to welcome to the DZAA the newest Alumni.

Chi Phi - 2015 Alumni Installation

Recent graduates Will Bramich, Philip Gilroy, Paul Hinebaugh, Blaise Levai, David Long, and Alex Watts, as well as previous graduate Tyler Cheslosky, were all present at the meeting. The President, Secretary, and Treasurer went through the formal induction ceremony with the new Alumni, and welcomed these seven Brothers into the Delta Zeta Alumni Association.

We hope that all of our Alumni will make each of these Brothers fell welcome into the DZAA, as they leave the world of school behind them and embark on this new chapter of their lives!

2015 DZAA T-Shirts!

Did you pay your 2014/2015 DZAA membership dues? Then, as a Member in Good Standing, you will be getting one of these spectacular new DZAA t-shirts!


Just in time to coincide with the annual Scarlet vs. Blue / Actives vs. Alumni softball games, the t-shirts will be provided to all Members in Good Standing prior to the game, so that we can remind the Actives just who is going to win that game!

So come on out, Sunday, April 19, 2015 and join in on the food, festivities, and fun at Riverfront Park in Tampa, and show your support of the DZAA!

Happy Birthday to the Brothers of Delta Zeta!

It may be a bit early, but the Delta Zeta Alumni Association wants to extend to all of our Brothers who have birthdays in April the warmest and happiest birthday wishes for a wonderful day!

happy-birthday-001Those celebrating this month are:

Luke Allen – April 14th
Nick Holm – April 19th
Mike Rizer – April 22nd
Khalid Bin Radhi – April 22nd
Errol Cruz – April 24th
Taylor Burke – April 25th
Jordan Nelson – April 30th

Best wishes to each and every one of you, as well as all of our other Brothers who will be celebrating birthdays in April (and who we may have missed in the above list)!