Alumni News – Enjoying the Holiday Weekend!

How did you enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend?  Chow down on a magnificent Thanksgiving dinner?  Sit back and watch the game on the telly?  Go out and brave the cold and the crazed shoppers for some Black Friday shopping?  Never let it be said that the DZAA just sits around and does nothing, as the Alumni went out and made the most of this long weekend.


Nick Holm did some golfing to help support the Power Support Engineering team, enjoying the sun and the fun!  Meanwhile, Josh Cleveland and Sam Foster headed up to Orlando for some tailgating to watch the USF vs UCF game (sadly, USF lost to UCF).

Chi Phi - GAME LukeLuke Allen stayed at home with family and watched the game while eating and relaxing, while Craig Harridge headed out with friends to let loose at Fun Zone and pig out at Taco Bell!  Meanwhile, Chase Dafnis and friends headed down to the St. Pete Times Forum Chi Phi - DISNEY Billto watch the Tampa Bay Lightning (although his presence didn’t help the Lightning, as they lost to the Penguins, 3 – 0).  Chris Hopkins skipped the sports and had a blast at the Kendrick and Kanye concert.  While so many seemd to check out the sports and concerts, Shaun Gorden and his family spent a family day at Busch Gardens, while Bill Bartlett and his family headed over to Disney for a day of fun and rides!

Then, of course, there was Brother Quincy Banis, who woke up singing “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,” knowing that soon enough, he’ll get the best Christmas of all – he’ll be back in Florida to stay (for a while, anyway)!

Chi Phi - QUINCY

No matter how you spent your holiday weekend, remember to give thanks for all that you have – family, friends, and your fellow Brothers of Chi Phi!

President’s Message


563417_687022389781_871089372_nI hope you are well and your holidays are filled with exciting festivities.  As you already know, our inaugural USF Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble was a huge success. I would personally like to thank the other members of our Board for their hard work, as well as the other Alumni that came out to volunteer and play in the outing.

Now that we have raised funds to give out scholarships to young Chi Phis, we are shifting gears to focus on the Delta Zeta Chapter Housing Fund. We believe that the Delta Zeta Chapter deserves the opportunity to experience the benefits of a housed fraternity. We also believe that our Alumni members deserve a place to congregate and to call home for the decades to come. I ask that you consider if you agree with me and if this causes are worthy of your support. We will be contacting you all soon to see if you will answer the call to help.

Thank you all for the amazing support and comforting words over the past few months. I look forward to seeing you at our Gift Exchange on December 14th and hope that you all have a happy holiday season.


David Ebner

Alumni News – Keeping the Alumni Active!

With the USF Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble behind us, what’s next for DZAA?  Your Exec Board has more in store for the rest of the year, and big plans for 2014!

First up is the DZAA Secret Santa holiday party!  Chi Phi Secet SantaMark your calendars for Saturday, December 14th.  Brother Kyllan Purdon is currently taking names and gift ideas for the party, so if you want to take part and join in on the fun, head over to our Facebook page and let Brother Purdon know that you’re in!  More details about the time and location of the party will be forthcoming.

Then, coming in 2014 – we’ve got the Founder’s Day Picnic, with the annual Alumni vs. 30th Anniversary Logo_ExcellenceActives softball game (will the Alumni keep the trophy?) … there’s the 30th Anniversary celebration event (an anniversary can be celebrated any time, can’t it?) … we’re already beginning preparations for the 2nd Annual USF Chi Phi Golf Scramble for next Fall (never too early to start planning) … and, of course, there’s the continuing Third Thursdays, the family-oriented Second Saturdays, community service opportunities, Housing Fund fundraisers, and so much more!

If you thought 2013 breathed some new life into the Delta Zeta Alumni Association, you ain’t seen nothing yet!  Keep your eyes peeled to this website and our Facebook page for more announcements – we’re counting on you to join us for all the fun and excitement in the coming months!