Social News – Homecoming is Almost Here!

Homecoming weekend is upon us, and although we face probable defeat on the football field, the DZAA looks forward to a successful Alumni Weekend. We have planned a weekend full of fun and camaraderie for Delta Zetas young and old.


The weekend will kick-off with the bi-annual general meeting of the DZAA at the Marshal Center at 7:00 PM on Friday, October 25th. The meeting will include reports from various DZAA Officers, a vote on the 2014 Budget and By-Laws Updates and the Alumni Instillation Ceremony to be performed for recent graduates.

At 8:00 PM (or when the meeting closes) we will head over to Mr. Dunderbak’s for an Alumni Happy Hour!

The following day, Saturday, October 26th, we will be holding a Tailgate at Raymond James Stadium in preparation for the game against the 8th ranked Louisville Cardinals. The time for the game and the tailgate is TBD. We will update you when more information is available.


The finale for the weekend will be the first ever USF Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble on Sunday, October 27th at 8:00 AM. All proceeds for this event will be deposited into the Delta Zeta Scholarship Fund which is used to award scholarships annually to the undergraduate members of the Delta Zeta Chapter. To register for the golf outing, you can follow this link. The cost is $280 for a foursome or $75 for an individual registrant.

We hope you will consider joining us for the weekend! You can learn more about all of these events here on the website, as well as on our facebook group.

Have You Checked Out The Wine Press?

As you may have guessed by now, one of the biggest goals of the current Executive Board of the DZAA is better communication.  We are striving to make better contact with each and every one of our Alumni Brothers, and part of the way we are doing that is through our Alumni Association newsletter, the Wine Press.


Whether it’s promoting our golfing fundraiser to raise funds for the Chi Phi Educational Trust, reporting on the growth of the Active Chapter, or catching up with some of our fellow Alumni, the Wine Press has been an outreach to the Alumni.  Where else would you have learned that the Alumni won again in the annual Alumni vs. Actives game?  Or that DZAA helped to rebuild Tampa?  Or find out what’s been happening in the lives of fellow Alumni, such as Brian Harff and Cesar Ribot?

Now, with the successful creation of this new website and its regular newsfeed updates every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, the Wine Press is being reinvented to make the most of it.   Each new issue of the Wine Press (the most recent issue having just been e-mailed out this week) will capture some of the biggest newsfeeds from the website, as well as feature some new material specific to the newsletter.  In this way, those who don’t read the website on a regular basis will still have a means to catch up on all the Alumni Association news, and those who do read the website regularly will still have a few new articles to read.  And if you miss an issue, they are all archived right here on our website:

So don’t delete those e-mails – check out the Wine Press…check out the website…and stay informed of the latest news from the Delta Zeta Alumni Association!

Tailgating with the DZAA


Football season is upon us, my fellow Alumni, and what better way to enjoy it than to share some games with your Brothers!  Two games have already come and gone – but don’t despair!  You haven’t missed your chance, as there are a number of games still to come!

September 28, 2013 – USF vs. Miami at Raymond James Stadium, Tampa
Come out and join the Alumni in Lot 7 – just look for the Chi Phi flag!
We will have Giant Jenga and Cornhole to play, and there will be a limited amount of food available

October 5, 2013 – USF vs. Cincinnati at Raymond James Stadium, Tampa
Once again, the Alumni will be meeting in Lot 7 – just look for the Chi Phi flag!
Giant Jenga and Cornhole will be there again, along with a limited amount of food

And there are still more games after that, with November 16th and November 23rd at Raymond James Stadium.  More details about the tailgating events can be found under “EVENTS” to the right of the newsfeed.

Come out and support your favorite team – or just come out and hang with your Brothers – either way, it will be a great way to spend the day and a great opportunity to make some new memories with some old friends!