2015 DZAA T-Shirts!

Did you pay your 2014/2015 DZAA membership dues? Then, as a Member in Good Standing, you will be getting one of these spectacular new DZAA t-shirts!


Just in time to coincide with the annual Scarlet vs. Blue / Actives vs. Alumni softball games, the t-shirts will be provided to all Members in Good Standing prior to the game, so that we can remind the Actives just who is going to win that game!

So come on out, Sunday, April 19, 2015 and join in on the food, festivities, and fun at Riverfront Park in Tampa, and show your support of the DZAA!

Founders’ Weekend 2015 – Bi-Annual Meeting

It’s that time of year again – time for the Founders’ Weekend celebration! And with that celebration comes the Spring Meeting of the Delta Zeta Alumni Association!


This year’s meeting will be held on April 18, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. in Room 3709 of the USF Marshall Center located on the campus of the University of South Florida. In addition to the bi-annual reports of the officers, we will also be holding alumni installation ceremony, as well as elections of the four officers for the next two-year term!

Pursuant to the By-Laws for the DZAA, in order for there to be a quorum at any General Meeting of the DZAA, we must have fifty percent (50%) of all voting members, plus one, present at the meeting. The By-Laws defines a voting member as “any initiated Alumnus of the Chi Phi Fraternity who does not hold voting rights in any other Chapter-specific Alumni Association or Housing Corporation. Voting members must be current on their financial obligations (dues) to the DZAA…” Thus, based upon the large number of currently-paid active Alumni in the DZAA (which, believe it or not, is 48!!!!), twenty-five (25) of those dues-paid members are needed to be present in order for there to be a quorum at the meeting.


If you are unable to make the meeting, but would like to have a say in the matters that are decided, you can contact the DZAA President, Brother David Ebner, to arrange a proxy vote. However, the more Alumni who are personally present for the meeting, the more successful it will be in deciding the new direction for the Alumni Association in the coming years!

Make your plans now to come out to the Marshall Center on Saturday, April 18th and support the DZAA!  Following the meeting, those interested will be going out for lunch – a time for food, fun, and fellowship!