200 Posts Later…

It’s been nearly a year and a half since the DZAA website was re-vamped, and we began posting regular articles that (we hope!) would provide our Alumni with updates, news, and opportunities that would be important to them.

This post is, believe it or not, our 200th consecutive post to the DZAA website!!!


We hope that this website has become an important part of your weekly routine, as it provides a means whereby you can stay in touch with your Brothers and fellow Alumni – where you can learn what’s going on in their lives, and they can find out what you’ve been up to. Certainly, this website would not be the success it is without each and every one of you and the contributions you have provided over the past year and a half.

It isn’t always easy keeping up with three new posts to the website (every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, for those of you who haven’t been keeping track!), particularly in finding information that would be directly relevant to our Alumni. But that’s where you have played such a large part! With our “Where Are They Now?” articles, the “Chi Phi Heroes” articles, as well as some of the more personal stories that some of you have shared, you have helped keep the website not only relevant, but also poignant and memorable. And for that – we thank you!

We appreciate your continued support and feedback, and here’s looking forward to the next 200 posts!

President’s Report



As I have become accustom to, I have good news to report. Our Association is as strong as ever. Just to recap for you what has been accomplished since the April general meeting:

  • Dues Challenge: We successfully collected dues from 50 Brothers for this year! This number represents nearly 4 times as many dues paying members than ever before. On top of the dues, we were also given a gift from Brother Alex Bosco directly to the operations fund. We all owe Brother Bosco a hearty yell. On a similar note, Brother Ryan Suarez and I will be joining Brothers Woodward and Harff for a day of Crossfit soon. We will keep you posted.
  • Budget Passed: We were able to adequately use an online voting system to capture the dues paying members votes for the Fall general meeting. This included an affirmative vote on the Budget for 2015-2016. In that budget was a line item for the rebirth of the Mancation! We will be sending out a survey soon to capture some ideas on where to hold the Mancation, but as of now, we know that dues paying members will be given a discount on any attendance fee associated.
  • Scholarship Scramble: We held another successful Scholarship Scramble this October. We can’t thank those of you that participated enough. We are in the process of planning next year’s outing. If you have any questions or comments, please refer them to Brother Kyllan Purdon.

In addition to the several successful events we’ve held, there are quite a few events still on the horizon:

  • Holiday Party and Secret Santa: The party will be held at Brother Millsap’s house in Wesley Chapel on Saturday, December 13 from 6:30-10:00 PM. The event will be a pot luck, please post what food item you plan on bringing on the Facebook Event Page that will be set up soon. Also, we will have our annual Secret Santa as well. The Facebook Event Page will have a poll where you can enter the Secret Santa and tell us your beverage of choice. Again, this should be posted in a day or two.
  • 32nd Reunion and Founders Day: During this upcoming April, we will hold a reception to honor the chartering of the Delta Zeta Chapter 32 years ago. Also, we will have another Scarlet and Blue Classic Softball Game! The Alumni are undefeated, so we need to keep the streak alive!
  • Elections and Spring Meeting: On the weekend of the Founders Day events, we will hold the Spring general meeting which will include elections. If you are interested in running for a DZAA Board position, please contact me (dzaa1983@gmail.com) for more information about which position you are interested in. Some of the board will be seeking re-election, but vacancies will need to be filled as well. We hope that there are some of you willing to volunteer a few hours a month to making our organization the best it can possibly be.

In all, I couldn’t be happier with the work being done by our board and all of our alumni to make the DZAA the best Alumni Association in Chi Phi!


David Ebner
DZAA President