Happy Birthday, Alumni!

The Delta Zeta Alumni Association wants to extend to all of the Alumni who have birthdays in October the warmest and happiest birthday wishes for a wonderful day!


Those Alumni celebrating this month are:

Michael Vickers – October 1st
Leon Ish – October 4th
Roberto Infante – October 6th
Joe Di Sano – October 6th
Shaun Gorden – October 6th
Chip Woodward – October 7th
Jose Porter – October 11th
Brian Harff – October 16th
John King – October 16th
Alex Bosco – October 21st
Bradley Bridges – October 29th
Phil Hoeksema – October 29th

Best wishes to each and every one of you, as well as all of our other Alumni who are celebrating birthdays in October (and who we may have missed in the above list)!

Fall 2014 DZAA Bi-Annual Meeting


The Fall 2014 Bi-Annual Meeting of the Delta Zeta Alumni Association is scheduled for Sunday, October 12, 2014. The meeting will start at 11:00 a.m. and will be held in Room MSC 3713 of the Marshall Student Center on the USF Campus..

The agenda for the meeting will include:

  1. President’s Report (Brother David Ebner)
  2. Vice-President’s Report (Brother Kyllan Purdon)
  3. Secretary’s Report (Brother Todd Latoski)
  4. Treasurer’s Report (Brother Ryan Suarez
  5. Technology Chairman’s Report (Brother Clinton Millsap)
  6. Chapter Advisor’s Report (Brother Quincy Banis)
  7. Archivist’s Report (Brother Jason Bornstein)
  8. New Business (including approval of the budget and President’s Award)
  9. Announcements
  10. Adjournment

All Alumni are welcome, and encouraged, to attend the meeting. All Alumni who have paid their dues will be eligible to vote on the budget at the meeting. This is your opportunity to not only hear updates on what has been happening in the DZAA and what is planned for the months ahead, but it is also a chance for you to have a say in what is happening in YOUR Alumni Association.


So come out and take an active part in the DZAA, as we lead the Association into even more exciting things in 2015!

Volunteers Needed for Golf Tournament

With the 2nd Annual USF / Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble only one month away, it’s time to step up and help out. The DZAA is looking for volunteers to help out with the registration table, with the raffle table, and with the individual holes.


If you are not planning to play in the tournament, but you still want to show your support, contact the Exec Board and let them know you are willing to volunteer for the event. Your Alumni Association needs you, and now is the time to answer that call.

Golfer Waiting to Tee off

You can reach out to any of the Board members on their individual Facebook pages, or simply post your willingness to help on the DZAA Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/79214045360/, and someone will get back with you right away.

Don’t miss this great opportunity to be involved and help out the DZAA!