Social News – April’s 30th Anniversary Celebration Events

For the month of April, Third Thursday is taking a back-seat to Second Friday.  To coincide with the Delta Zeta 30th Anniversary Celebration, the DZAA will be hosting its monthly cocktail hour on Friday, April 11th at The Pub, located at 2223 North West Shore Boulevard, Tampa, Florida  33607 (  As with our regular Third TAS_THEPUB021611_162614a_8colThursdays, we will provide some appetizers, but, of course, you are more than welcome to order food and drinks from the menu.  The Pub even offers a “Pour Your Own Beer” bar in the upstairs loft, where our event will take place.  Guests/spouses/significant others are more than welcome to join in on the fun!  If you are coming into town for the 30th anniversary celebration of the Delta Zeta Alumni Association, you won’t want to miss out on this opening night event!

Of course, Saturday, April 12th will be the Spring meeting of the Delta Zeta Alumni Association in the afternoon, with the 30th Anniversary Banquet to be held that evening.

And don’t forget that Sunday, April 13th DSCN3714is the annual Scarlet vs. Blue / Actives vs. Alumni classic softball game where the Alumni will remind the Actives the reason why the DZAA has held on to that trophy for so long.  The game will be held at the USF Riverfront Park on East Fletcher Avenue in Tampa.  We will meet there at 10:00 a.m., and the game will start promptly at 10:30 a.m.  After the Alumni win the game, there will be a picnic with food provided by the Actives, during which, the DZAA will host its first Rent-A-Chi fundraiser to help raise money for the Housing Fund.

Next weekend (April 11th – April 13th) is going to be a huge Delta Zeta celebration that you won’t want to miss out on!  Make your plans now, and we hope to see you there!

DZAA Gives Back



The Delta Zeta Alumni Association is built upon a foundation of service. Our members give their support in the service of bettering our association, chapter and national fraternity. Every minute that an alumnus spends planning, executing and attending a Third Thursday, the USF Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble, or the upcoming Founders Weekend events is a minute of service to his fellow Brothers.


But this calling to service extends far beyond the DZAA for many Alumni, so as part of its ongoing effort to better the Tampa community, the DZAA teamed up with Rebuilding Together Tampa Bay once again last weekend. Various Alumni assisted in painting a house for a young family in the Tampa Heights neighborhood. The family consisted of a hard-working single mother who had neither the time, nor the money to beautify her home, so Rebuilding Together Tampa Bay solicited help form  he Mosaic Company of FishHawk and the DZAA. Along with the new paint, she received new flooring, a new roof, and renovations to her porch.


If you’re interested in helping on future projects, please send us an email: We’d love to have your help in building a better Tampa.


NEEDED – Blasts from the Past

Okay, Alumni, we’re calling on you.  Whether you graduated 15 years ago, 5 years ago, or 1 year ago – we know you’ve got photographs of all the fantastic memories you made while an Active Brother of the Delta Zeta Chapter.  Now it’s time to share some of those memories.

 Young Once

At the 30th Anniversary Banquet, set to take place on Saturday, April 12, 2014 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (and if you haven’t already bought your tickets, you’d better hurry up!  Time’s running out, and so are the tickets!), the Delta Zeta Alumni Association will be sharing a special slideshow presentation, flashing back through the past 30 years of Delta Zeta’s rich history.

From the founding members to the most recent new members, this is going to be a special trip down memory lane that you can have a part in making.  We are asking each and every one of you to share at least one (if not more!) photographs to include in the slideshow.

The Past

Please contact Brother Todd Latoski, either via Facebook or by e-mail, to provide your photographs to be included.  Make sure with each photograph, you include the year, the event, and the names of each Brother in the photograph – from the most elegant formals to the most outrageous parties, don’t be shy!  The more photographs you share, the more memories the Alumni will have a change to reminisce about at the Banquet.

It’s been 30 years of Delta Zeta greatness – so let’s see what memories you’ve got to share!