Sharing the Memories of the Holidays with the DZAA

The Christmas holidays may have come and gone, but the memories last a life time.  We all treasure the memories we make, whether it’s with family or friends…whether it’s the thrill of getting the gift you’ve been wanting or the joy in watching someone enjoy the give you gave them…whether it’s sharing in the tradition of years gone by or the excitement in creating new traditions with the next generation…whether it’s being all bundled up to face the cold or enjoying the sunset on the beach…let the memories you made over the Christmas holidays be a reminder of just how good life can be – and share in your fellow Alumni’s joy and good will as we close out 2013 and look forward to the coming year!


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50 and Still Going Strong…

As many of you will recall, when the DZAA website was re-launched this year, 50Jubilaeumwe made the promise of regular updates and news items that are relevant to the Alumni, to Chi Phi, and to all of our Brothers.  With 50 web-postings now under our belt, the website continues to grow – not just in appearance and postings, but also in readership and online hits as well!  With well over 200 hits in the past month alone, the website has become a steady check-in for many of the Alumni!

The website offers new posts to the front page every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and after some miscellaneous articles in the beginning, we’ve created a regular schedule of articles – including the latest_news1Where Are They Now? features, the every-Monday Chapter News and Alumni News updates alternating each week, the DZAA Heroes spotlights, the Fundraiser highlights, the Around the Peninsula newsflashes, the President’s Message, the Social Events, and others.  Your Board has been working hard to keep you informed, updated, and occasionally reminded of days past, and if the positive feedback we’ve been receiving is any indication, you – the Alumni – appreciate the constant feed of posts.

Now, after four months and 50 articles, we’d like to see what you have to share.  If you have stories you’d like to tell, memories you’d like to share, news you would like to post, or perhaps even a little self-promotion you’d like to get out there, now’s the time to do it!  update-2Whether it’s a one-time article about something either you or another Brother has achieved, or an on-going series of articles related to the Alumni or Chi Phi in general, just let us know and we’ll be more than happy to work you into the schedule.  Remember, the DZAA and this website is not just about the Exec Board – it’s about ALL of the Alumni, and the more you participate, the closer those bonds of Brotherhood will grow.  Feel free to contact any member of the Board – David Ebner, Kyllan Purdon, Todd Latoski, or Ryan Suarez – and let them know you want to write.  Who knows?  The next posting you see on here could be yours!