Alumni News – Celebrating Christmas with the DZAA

This year’s Christmas party was a smashing success!  Jon DeJongh was gracious enough to open his home to the DZAA, and with the Christmas tree, the lights, the stockings hung by the chimney with care – it definitely got everyone into the holiday spirit!


Brothers David Ebner, Kyllan Purdon, Todd Latoski, Clinton Millsap, Jon DeJongh, Sam Shah, Will Ruff, John Baker, Chris Hopkins, Joshua Cleveland, Alex Petrilak, Matthew Whitney, and Thomas DelliBovi, along with several spouses and dates, shared some food and drinks as they celebrated the holiday in true Chi Phi-style!  Everyone had the opportunity to catch up with one DSCN3005another, reminiscing about the “good ol’ days” and compare notes on the present and plans for the future.

All of the Brothers were glad to have Brother Baker home from duty, and he proudly shared photos of his son and recently-born daughter.  Our illustrious host, Brother DeJongh, humblyDSCN3004 accepted praise for all the renovations to his house (those who were there will understand that one!), while Brothers DelliBovi and Watts carried on some serious discussions in the dining room and Brothers Shah and Millsap sat back on the couch, relaxing and chatting as the party headed into the night.  The members of the Alpha Mu class who were present got together for a quick snapshot, looking back on the days in the Chapter on campus.


Of course, no Chi Phi Christmas Party would be complete with a gift exchange, and this year was certainly no different.  Following pin order (well, with one minor exception), the Brothers exchanged their Secret Santa gifts, with some surprises, some shocks, some sighs of satisfaction, and some “my Brother didn’t show up, so I’ll get to keep what I bought him!”  Everyone was quick to open their gifts, and for those left wondering what exactly each brother got…well, let’s just say you had to be there…


As the time grew late, the Brothers slowly began to head home, taking their gifts – and their new holiday memories – with them.  For those who missed the party, well, you missed out on a truly special Chi Phi occasion, and we hope to see you at next year’s!

Where Are They Now? Remember when…

Remember the days when you were still an Active Brother?  Remember getting together with your Brothers, hanging out, having a great time?  Those years spent in Delta Zeta while on the USF Campus may have been busy, trying to balance time between studying, working, dating, and having fun – but let’s face it – the days spent with your Brothers in Chi Phi were some very memorable times!

Chi Phi Charter  Chi Phi 2006 Dinner

Looking at these photos, it may seem like those days were a lifetime ago.  In fact, looking at some of these photos, we may be left to wonder – whatever happened to…?

Chi Phi at Bulls First Football Game  Chi Phi Paddles

Just because we are out of school, just because we are out in “the real world,” so to speak, doesn’t mean those Chi Phi days are over!  That’s why the Alumni Association is here.  To solidify that Brotherhood.  To keep us in touch.  And to remind us what it’s like to have Brothers who will always be there for you.

Chi Phi Greek Week Champs  Chi Phi Stampede of Service

Don’t forget the good ol’ days – because so long as the DZAA is around, those days – and your Brothers – are still here, and we’re looking forward to many more to come!

Chi Phi Mancation