Chi Phi – The Learning Never Ends!

As Alumni, most of you know that just because you graduated college, that doesn’t mean your learning ends!  For some, it’s straight into the work force.  For others, it’s a bit of traveling and “sowing your wild oats” before settling down into a full-time career.  And for others, there’s graduate school and more.  Regardless of the path you chose after graduation, one thing things remains true – you’re still learning!

But getting that additional education isn’t always inexpensive.  Juggling a family, a home, and a career can sometimes leave little time (and little money!) available to go back to school for that graduate degree.  Did you know that Chi Phi can help with that?  Chi Phi’s Educational Trust awards $100,000 in academic and member development scholarships each and every year, and some of those scholarships are awarded to Alumni who seek to further their education.  Just ask Alumnus, Brother David Ebner, who won a graduate scholarship this year!


There are various scholarships available to Chi Phi members, including Graduate Scholarships and the Ramsaur Leadership Award.  All applications for scholarships are reviewed and evaluated by a panel made up strictly of volunteer Alumni.  Once applications are submitted, the Scholarship Committee will match qualified applicants with all available scholarships for which they are eligible.  Scholarships can range in amounts anywhere from $750 all the way up to $2,000!

For more information on the scholarships, eligibility, the review process, and how to apply, go to the National Chi Phi website at

Around the Peninsula with Chi Phi – Xi Delta Wins Best Chapter

Xi Delta has Xi Delta Winsbeen moving and shaking this year!  The Chi Phi Chapter at the Florida Institute of Technology made their mark at the 148th Congress this year, when they received the Thomas A. Gehring Award for Best Chapter!  On top of that, Xi Delta was awarded Accreditation with Distinction for Two Consecutive Semesters and the Outstanding Alumni Newsletter Award!  Way to go, Brothers!

On a more serious note, last month, the Brothers of Xi Delta gathered to pay their respects and pay tribute to the memory of past Grand Alpha Brother Richard Lane, who, sadly, was taken from us all too soon this past summer in an automobile accident.   The Chapter and their local Alumni, along with National Director Brother Michael Azarian, came out to show their support.  A memorial plaque for Brother Lane was given to the National Office, and an orange tree was planted on the side of the Xi Delta house in honor of Brother Lane.

Xi Delta Honors

(Information for this article was obtained from Xi Delta Alumni Association’s website,

Happy Veterans’ Day!

On this special day, the Delta Zeta Alumni Association wants to give a shout-out to all of our Alumni who so willingly give, and have given, of themselves as they serve their country in the Armed Forces.


Brother Craig Harridge         Brother Tim White


Brother Quincy Banis          Brother Shaun Geary


Brother John Baker                 Brother Brian Spurgeon


Brother Errol Cruz

We all want to say THANK YOU for all that you do and have done to protect our country and to guarantee that we can continue to enjoy the freedoms we have in the United States of America.  To each one of you, we owe a great debt as, today and every day, you exemplify the true meaning of what it is to be a Chi Phi!