President’s Message



As many of you have seen and comment about on Facebook, the 30th ish reception and Founder’s Weekend was a smash. I owe a debt of gratitude to the DZAA Board members and other volunteers for their steadfastness and diligence in planning and executing the weekend’s events. Yahoo for all Delta Zeta’s!

The next large event on the horizon is the 2nd Annual USF/Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble. This year it will be held on October 26th at the Babe Zaharias Golf Course in Tampa. The registration costs will be similar to last year, but the prize structure and on-site competitions have changed to better align with participant feedback.  Mark your calendar, call your Brothers and book your travel. It will be a great event and hopefully just as successful, if not even more so, than last year. More information will be available soon, but in the mean time, we are looking for volunteers. If you are interested in giving a small amount of your time to this event, please email me at

That’s all for now, have a fun and adventurous summer!


David Ebner, DZ ’08

30th Anniversary Recap – PART THREE

This was it!  Sunday was the final day of the 30th–ish Anniversary celebration, and what better way to close it out than with our annual Scarlet vs. Blue / Actives vs. Alumni softball game and picnic at Riverfront Park?


The turnout was amazing, with some unexpected guests, such as Ron Frank and Rob Bailey, who came out to support the Alumni.  But don’t for one second think it was an easy win (was there really any doubt that we would win?)!  The Actives started off the game with a bang, taking an early lead of 6 to 0 in the first inning.  The Alumni, however, may have started off slow, but they definitely showed their stuff as they quickly took over the lead in the second inning, ultimately leading to a final score after 7 innings of 29 to 18 – and the Alumni took home the trophy yet again!


Following the game, everyone gathered in the pavilion for hot dogs and hamburgers – as well as the first annual Rent-A-Chi fundraiser!  It was an auction like you’ve never seen before as Alumni and Actives alike allowed themselves to be auctioned off to help raise money for the Delta Zeta Housing Fund.  Due to a few last minute cancellations, we had some Brothers step up to the plate and substitute in for the missing Chis who were to be auctioned.  The results were as follows:


Philip Gilroy had the winning bid for DAVID EBNER
Joshua Cleveland bid against himself to win PHILIP GILROY

Clinton Millsap won the auction for KYLLAN PURDON

Paul Michael Acosta – well, he won an auction for … PAUL MICHAEL ACOSTA
Chip Woodward shelled out the dough for TODD LATOSKI
Arianna Muniz kept on bidding until she won BLAISE LEVAI

Todd Latoski managed to snag the winning bid for CLINTON MILSAP
Melody Bernstein was the winning bidder for ALEX WATTS

Alex Watts turned right around and won the bid for NATHAN DRASS
Clinton Millsap finished the auction with a winning bid for QUINCY BANIS

Ten Brothers + Ten Auctions = $396.00 raised to increase the funds in the Delta Zeta Housing Fund.  Thanks to each and every one of the Brothers who were willing to donate themselves (and their time and skills) for the auction, and a special thanks to each and every person who donated their money for the winning bids.  Now it’s a matter of waiting to see just what these Chis have to do for the ones who purchased them at the auction…hmmmm….


There is absolutely no doubt that the weekend was a success – not just financially, for the increase in the Housing Fund as well as the re-establishment of the Orders Account, but in the amazing turnouts we had at each and every one of the events – the Happy Hour, the Bi-Annual Meeting, the Banquet, the softball game, and the picnic/Rent-A-Chi auction.  If you were not able to make it to any of the events, don’t worry – next year will be here before you know it!  So start making plans now!

30th Anniversary Celebration Recap – PART TWO

The 30th-ish Anniversary weekend continued on Saturday night with the Founder’s Banquet.  And what a banquet it was, jam-filled with food, fun, and festivities!


With composites from the early 90s all the way through today around the room, a table with photo albums of days gone by, two televisions with slide-shows of the past 30 years, and trophies and awards proudly placed as the centerpieces for each table, the Clubhouse of the Rocky Pointe Golf Club was a walk down memory lane for all of the Delta Zeta Brothers who came out for the Banquet.


After some time of socializing and reminiscing, the Brothers and their guests sat down to a great dinner of BBQ ribs, pork, and chicken along with all the “fixins,” including desserts graciously baked and donated by some of the Delta Zetas and/or their spouses.


Immediately following the dinner was a very challenging tournament of cornhole – starting off with fourteen teams of two facing off against one another, tossing the beanbags back and forth until only seven teams remained.  That number was narrowed down even further as Jason Bornstein and Ryan Suarez played off against Quincy Banis and his date, while David and Brittany Ebner played off against Mike Rizer and Kyle Schlenker.  Ultimately, it was a showdown between Jason/Ryan and David/Brittany.  It was a close game, but there could only be one winning team – and that was Jason Bornstein and Ryan Suarez – the self-proclaimed “undefeated cornhole champions of the universe!”


And what would an evening with Delta Zeta be without a group shot – one with all of the Brothers in attendance, but Active and Alumni – and one with all of the Brothers and their guests.


As the evening began to wind down, special guest Barbre Berris gave a brief speech about what is going on with Chi Phi nationally, and then she drew the tickets for the raffle – with prizes going to Matt Bradarich, Jon DeJongh, Paul Michael Acosta, Craig Dickinson, and Chase Dafnis (including a special, unannounced prize of a free round of golf for two graciously donated by Rocky Pointe – which went to Matt Bradarich!).

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Finally, the Brothers gathered around for a rousing rendition of Piano Man, bringing together old and young alike to celebrate the Brotherhood of Delta Zeta and Chi Phi!

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And if you think that was the end of the 30th-ish Anniversary celebration, wait!  It’s ain’t over yet…