Welcome Delta Zeta’s Newest Brother!

Chi Phi New 6The Spring 2015 semester at USF welcomed a new Brother into the fold of Delta Zeta – and that would be David Long. Raised in northeast Florida, David is a graduate of St. Augustine High School. He served in the U.S. Army as a light infrantryman and is a combat veteran of Operation Enduring and Iraqui Freedom. After serving in anti-terrorist operations post-9/11, as well as many civil relief operations through the State of Florida while serving the Florida National Guard, David received an honorable discharge.

Chi Phi New 3David is currently a senior at USF, earning his Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications. Upon graduation, he is interested in finding employment in public safety.

The DZAA extends its warmest welcome to our newest Brother, David Long, and certainly wishes him all the best as he completes his degree as a fellow Chi Phi!

Thinking Ahead: Volunteers Needed for 2015 Golf Tournament!

volunteerneededWhile it may only be March, most of you know that October will be here before we know it – and that means the Third Annual USF/Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble will be here! As plans continue to be finalized for the tournament, the DZAA is in need of volunteers for the event.

The DZAA needs you – whether Alumni or Active, it doesn’t matter – to help make the event a success! Whether you can help man the registration table, help with the various games set up around the course, help with the raffle, or simply help do whatever is needed – your help is needed and appreciated!

2015 IMageThe 2015 Scramble is set to take place at the Babe Zaharias Golf Course on Sunday, October 25, 2015, with a tee time of 8:30 a.m. There will be prizes for the first, second, and third place teams, as well as prizes to be awarded for the longest drive, the closest to the pin, and the putting competition, as well as door and raffle prizes. Lunch, of course, will be provided.

Look at your calendars now, and if you are able and willing to help out, the DZAA would be most appreciative of your time and efforts! For more information, check out the web page at http://usfchiphialumni.com/golf/

Happy Birthday, Alumni!


The Delta Zeta Alumni Association wants to extend to all of our Brothers who have birthdays in March the warmest and happiest birthday wishes for a wonderful day!

Those celebrating this month are:

Galen Brent Hebert – March 2nd
John Neff – March 7th
Matthew Deem – March 8th
Quincy Banis – March 25th

Best wishes to each and every one of you, as well as all of our other Brothers who are celebrating birthdays in March (and who we may have missed in the above list)!