A Chi Phi Man is a True Gentleman

Remember back to that day when you first joined Chi Phi?  Sure, there were parties … and there were activities … and there were plenty of fun times.  But amidst all those fun and games, there were also some things that we learned.  We learned what it means to be a true Brother.  We learned what it means to be a true Friend.  We learned what it means to be a true Leader.  But, above all that, we learned what it means to be a true Gentleman.

The true gentleman is a man whose conduct proceeds from goodwill and an acute sense of propriety, and whose self-control is equal to all emergencies; who does not make the poor man conscious of his poverty, the obscure man of his obscurity, or any man of his inferiority or deformity; who is himself humbled when necessity compels him to humble another; who does not flatter wealth, cringe before power, or boast of his own possessions or achievements; who speaks with frankness but with sincerity and sympathy always; whose deed follows his word; who thinks of the rights and feelings of others rather than his own; and who appears well in any company, a man with whom honor is sacred and virtue is safe.


Let’s remember that although our college years are behind us, we are still Chi Phi.  We are still Brothers … still Friends … still Leaders … and above all that, we always are and always will be True Gentlemen!

Where Are They Now? – Steve R. Hisaw

Hisaw - CurrentWhatever happened to Steve R. Hisaw?  For those who can remember that far back, Steve Hisaw was a member of the pledge class way back in the Fall of 1987.  Brother Hisaw graduated in 1989 with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology.  He resides in Columbus, Ohio and has spent the last 23 years working in sales, currently serving as a Regional Sales Director for a pharmaceutical company.   Brother Hisaw fondly recalls…

“I grew up in a small town in Southern Ontario – Port Dover.  It is on the north shore of Lake Erie.  I left Canada in 1983 when I was 19 year old and drove to Florida on a motorcycle (not so smart, but fun).   I worked 3 years in steel building construction out of Sarasota, Florida as a steel monkey and crane operator.  We built metal pre-fab buildings all over the State of Florida.  In 1986, I got my citizenship and was accepted to University of South Florida, where I commuted from Sarasota for my first semester.   I really wanted the Florida college experience, so I decided to look Hisaw - Great Memoryfor a place near campus…and went to Off Campus Housing to look for a place.  There were two Chi Phi brothers in there (Sean Winter was one of them), and they were looking for a room-mate for 184 Village Square.   Well, a dozen beers later, I was accepted as the 3rd room-mate, and we all moved into # 184.  I went back to Canada for the summer….and when I returned for the Fall Semester, # 184 was now the Chi Phi Fraternity House.  The rest is history!   I pledged that semester and have so many great memories from my experience at USF as a Chi Phi.”

While Brother Hisaw is divorced, he re-united with his high school sweetheart from his home town, and they have been together for almost two years.  “It is awesome,” are his exact words!  He has two children – a daughter, Sydney, who is 15-years old and will start driving soon (interesting times ahead!), and a son, Connor, who is 13-years old.

Brother Hisaw remains in contact with a few Chi Phi Alumni over the phone and through Facebook, and a couple of years ago, he came back to Tampa and enjoyed catching up with some “old” Chi Phi Brothers:  Sean, Chip, Lou, Durso, Grafstrom, and Tony, Hisaw - 25 Years Agojust to name a few.  He has often thoguht of all the great times they had together, and admits that Facebook has been a great way to see old photos and bring back some old memories!  He does wish he had more contact with Mike Baylis, the National Advisor that would stop in from time to time to check in on the Brothers.  “It was always fun when Mike stopped in,” Hisaw says.  “In addition, it was Mike that encouraged me to go into Sales…”

For Brother Hisaw, Chi Phi taught him about leadership and the ability to influence and inspire others in a positive way.  He remembers guiding new brothers to set goals, to be organized, to focus on working hard, and to prioritize school and good grades – thus better preparing themselves to compete for jobs after graduation.  Hisaw enjoyed these things and belive that experience helped pave the way for his life and career.  “But most importantly,” he shares, “I learned that Brothers are for life.  No matter how far you are away, you can always count on Brothers for help…for advise…or simply to share some good times together!”

Social News – Don’t Forget Third Thursdays!

It may be a new year, but some things just won’t change!  And “Third Thursdays” is one of those things!  For those of you who have lived under a rock for the past year, or you just haven’t been in touch with the DZAA, on the Third Thursday of each and every month, we host a get-together of the Alumni of the Delta Zeta Chapter.

Chi Phi 1

This month, on Thursday, January 16, 2014 at 7:00 p.m., the DZAA will be getting together at The Brass Tap in Carrollwood, located at 10047 North Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa, Florida  33618.  Don’t miss out on this chance to come and hang out with your fellow Alumni, have a few drinks, share a few memories and make some new ones.  Everyone is welcome, so feel free to bring your wife, partner, spouse, significant other, etc. and have a great night out.  For more info, check out the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/events/172499342953899/

It’s the DZAA’s favorite day of the month – why not make it yours, too!