DZAA in 2013 – Taking a Look Back…

Alumni v ActiveThis year is about to end, and looking back, the DZAA has accomplished quite a bit in the past year.  From the election of a new Exec Board and the victory (once again!) against DSCN3000the Active Brothers in the annual Active vs. Alumni softball game to the recent Christmas gift exchange, a lot has happened over the past 12 months.  Let’s take a quick look back at 2013, shall we?

2013 hosted twelve Third Thursdays, an on-going tradition that will continue into 2014…


2013 was the 2nd year running that the DZAA won the Chi Phi March Mania Challenge…

 March Mania Challenge

2013 not only saw an Alumnus of the DZAA make the cover of the Chakett, but also saw the DZAA featured in four separate articles in a printed issue of the Chakett…

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2013 brought Alumni together to give back to their community in Rebuilding Together Tampa Bay…

 Chi Phi Chakett

2013 witnessed the growth of the DZ Chapter with the initiation of seven new Brothers…


2013 saw the First Annual USF Chi Phi Golf Scramble…


2013 found the Alumni tailgating at the games…


There is no doubt about it – 2013 was a fantastic year for the Delta Zeta Alumni Association – so go ahead and sing us a song, Mr. Piano Man, because 2014 is going to be even bigger and better with nowhere to go but up!

Sharing the Memories of the Holidays with the DZAA

The Christmas holidays may have come and gone, but the memories last a life time.  We all treasure the memories we make, whether it’s with family or friends…whether it’s the thrill of getting the gift you’ve been wanting or the joy in watching someone enjoy the give you gave them…whether it’s sharing in the tradition of years gone by or the excitement in creating new traditions with the next generation…whether it’s being all bundled up to face the cold or enjoying the sunset on the beach…let the memories you made over the Christmas holidays be a reminder of just how good life can be – and share in your fellow Alumni’s joy and good will as we close out 2013 and look forward to the coming year!


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