News, News, and More News – What’s Up Nationally

The newsfeed coming out of Chi Phi’s National Office is never-ending – here’s just a small portion of what’s going on with Chi Phi:

Since 2010, Chi Phi has pledged almost 1,700 New Members. This is the largest growth in Membership years.  And based on fall accreditation, 31 of our Chapters are larger than the average chapter size on their campus. Ten additional Chapters are within 10 men of exceeding the average chapter size. The average Chi Phi Chapter size for this past semester is 42 men.


In addition, based off the fall 2013 accreditation submission, the average Chapter GPA of Initiated Brothers is 2.95 and a 2.72 for New Members. Thirty-two Chapters have a combined GPA that is higher than the all-male average on their campus.

And if that weren’t enough, this past semester, Chi Phi Men donated 16,900 hours of service. That’s the equivalent of 704 days or 1.93 years! That brings the total for the past two semesters to 38,900 hours or 4.44 years. Phenomenal work by the men of Chi Phi!


Recently, a friend of Chi Phi has made a $100,000 investment in the men of the Eta Chapter through the Eta Chapter Excellence Fund. Click to learn more and how you can add your name to Chi Phi’s history books!

Finally, 2014 will definitely be a year of growth, as Chi Phi will be re-establishing Chapters at Nu (University of Texas at Austin), Iota Delta (Indiana University), Mu Delta (Auburn University), and Alpha Theta Chi (University of Nebraska).

Chi Phi is on the move – be a part of it in 2014!

Around the Peninsula with Chi Phi – Theta Delta Chapter Serves It Up!

The Brothers of the Theta Delta Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity at University of Florida certainly have plenty of reasons to be proud this month.


First, two of their Brothers were initiated into Florida Blue Key, which is University of Florida’s leadership honorary founded back in 1923.  Florida Blue Key is nationally recognized as the breeding ground of Florida’s future leaders, with such past members at Lawton Chiles, Buddy MacKay, Bill Nelson, and many others.  Chartered with the mission of developing civic mindedness, civility, and life-long learning and service, Florida Blue Key strives to achieve a level of servant leadership that not only enhances the lives of its members, but the greater community as well.  Snaps to Brothers Brandon Corsentino and Brett Freidkes for being initiated into such a prestigious organization!

Second, Theta Delta also saw three of their Brothers be appointed to positions within University of Florida’s UF Interfraternity Council.  Brother Thomas Echezabel was appointed and will serve as the Director of Information Technology; Brother Tyler Marinelli is going to serve as the Assistant Vice-President of Finance; and Brother Kevin Alagha will be serving as the Assistant Vice-President of Membership – Logistics.  It’s always great to see our Brothers take an active role in not only their Fraternity, but also in the governing student bodies in their university.  Congratulations go out to all of these young men, with well-wishes on much success in these new roles.


Finally, in true Chi Phi tradition, the Brothers of Theta Delta recently got together to clean up their community.  These young men were not afraid to get their hands dirty as they set about clearing out debris, mowing lawns, and cleaning up playgrounds to keep the area not only looking good, but safe for the children as well.  Once again, Chi Phi makes its mark on the community and gives back of their time and effort.  Well done, Theta Delta!

Alumni News – Celebrating Christmas with the DZAA

This year’s Christmas party was a smashing success!  Jon DeJongh was gracious enough to open his home to the DZAA, and with the Christmas tree, the lights, the stockings hung by the chimney with care – it definitely got everyone into the holiday spirit!


Brothers David Ebner, Kyllan Purdon, Todd Latoski, Clinton Millsap, Jon DeJongh, Sam Shah, Will Ruff, John Baker, Chris Hopkins, Joshua Cleveland, Alex Petrilak, Matthew Whitney, and Thomas DelliBovi, along with several spouses and dates, shared some food and drinks as they celebrated the holiday in true Chi Phi-style!  Everyone had the opportunity to catch up with one DSCN3005another, reminiscing about the “good ol’ days” and compare notes on the present and plans for the future.

All of the Brothers were glad to have Brother Baker home from duty, and he proudly shared photos of his son and recently-born daughter.  Our illustrious host, Brother DeJongh, humblyDSCN3004 accepted praise for all the renovations to his house (those who were there will understand that one!), while Brothers DelliBovi and Watts carried on some serious discussions in the dining room and Brothers Shah and Millsap sat back on the couch, relaxing and chatting as the party headed into the night.  The members of the Alpha Mu class who were present got together for a quick snapshot, looking back on the days in the Chapter on campus.


Of course, no Chi Phi Christmas Party would be complete with a gift exchange, and this year was certainly no different.  Following pin order (well, with one minor exception), the Brothers exchanged their Secret Santa gifts, with some surprises, some shocks, some sighs of satisfaction, and some “my Brother didn’t show up, so I’ll get to keep what I bought him!”  Everyone was quick to open their gifts, and for those left wondering what exactly each brother got…well, let’s just say you had to be there…


As the time grew late, the Brothers slowly began to head home, taking their gifts – and their new holiday memories – with them.  For those who missed the party, well, you missed out on a truly special Chi Phi occasion, and we hope to see you at next year’s!