My Big Brother: Shaun Geary

I moved to Tampa during my sophomore year of College and was “matched” by the good people of Collegiate Hall with 2 other young men attending USF. One of those men was Shaun Geary.

At first I was weary of Shaun. He was in the Naval ROTC, an officer in his Fraternity, and he dressed kind of like a gangster wannabe. Over time, I grew to respect Shaun’s ability to balance so many responsibilities while being a full-time student.

Being that the Chapter did not have a good housing option, we sometimes would host Chi Phi parties at our apartment. They were loud, sweaty and a good time. I particularly remember one party where Shaun woke up on a treadmill in the apartment complex’s gym.

When the Chapter came under membership review in the summer of 2007, I thought I knew what fraternities were and I wanted nothing of it. But then Shaun became the Chapter President and decided to have a Chapter Meeting in our apartment one afternoon. I sat in my room and listened through the door to my amazement. I heard words like accountability, philanthropy, brotherhood, etc… and I knew I wanted to be a part of it.


After being initiated, I served under Shaun as the Vice-President, and he taught me how a leader was supposed to act. He showed me that leaders get their hands dirty and that a good leader recognizes achievement with humility and defeat with an air for improvement.

Today, Shaun and I are both in graduate school: he in Monterey, California and I in Tampa, Florida. He is an officer in the United States Navy, and I am the President of the DZAA. Yet, even now, I look to how Shaun administers his duties as a leader and am constantly learning.

/s/ David Ebner

What Chi Phi Really Teaches Us…

Ever wondered just what Chi Phi can do for you? Well, Brother Blaise Levai found out on Thursday exactly what Chi Phi has done for him when, in his Law and Politics class, he was called upon to lead a Mock Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on the confirmation of a fictional Supreme Court Justice nominee.


“I was Chair of the Judiciary Committee,” Brother Levai states, “and I had to facilitate the hearing, start the questioning of the nominee, and ultimately lead a final vote. My experience in Chi Phi helped me run the hearing, due to my active participation in the Chapter. Looking at the Alphas during my time with Delta Zeta (Philip Gilroy and Jose Suarez) helped me learn how to conduct myself in a professional setting. Being exposed to those experiences in Chi Phi helped me run the 90-minute hearing.”

Brother Levai was pleased to share this experience, which he said was definitely a “full circle” moment for him, and what’s more, it helped him appreciate Chi Phi a lot more.

Congrats to Brother Levai for a job well done, and for reminding us all of just how much we truly have gained from our experience as Chi Phis!

Did You Know … ?

Chi Phi is known for not only strengthening the bonds of Brotherhood, but for also producing some of the finest gentlemen this country has ever seen.  But did you know that some of those gentlemen went on to become quite well known?

Walter Cronkite

Walter Cronkite – yes, THAT Walter Cronkite – was a Chi Phi from the University of Texas.  The longtime nightly news anchorman learned sound journalistic practices both in college and while working for United Press International. “Cementing bonds of life-long friendship that can be a source of happiness through life” was his testimonial to his Chi Phi Fraternity experience.

 Mark Ordesky

Mark Ordesky, an Oscar-winning producer who is now the president of the Fine Line division of New Line Cinema, is a Chi Phi from the University of Southern California.  He was the executive producer of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, as well as a number of other films you may have seen.

 Chris Hardwick

Chris Hardwick,  a name quickly recognizable to anyone who is a fan of AMC’s The Walking Dead and its follow-up talk show, The Talking Dead, is a Chi Phi from the University of California, Los Angeles.  He has also hosted MTV’s Singled Out, he has appeared on Attack of the Show, and has had brief appearances in a number of television shows and films.

 Dan Bakkedahl

Dan Bakkedahl, a former correspondent for Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, is a Chi Phi from Florida State University.  He has made guest appearances on numerous television shows, as well as had recurring roles on shows such as Community, Veep, and Legit.

And these are not the only famous Chi Phi.  Adam Larson of MTV’s Road Rules 10: The Quest is a Chi Phi from Boston University, and Gabriel Cade, a participant in CBS’ hit series, Survivor, is a Chi Phi from the University of NC, Wilmington.

You never know where the path of a Chi Phi will lead, and you just never know whether that television show or movie your are watching might just star a Brother!