Alumni News – Ebner Buys a Home

No, it’s not the latest Dr. Seuss story.  It’s part of the American Dream – owning your own home.  There’s nothing more satisfying than coming home and knowing that the house you walk into is not just your home, but it’s YOUR home.  It’s not someone else’s property that you are merely renting – but it is completely YOURS!

Happy Homeowners

Brother David Ebner and his wife, Brittany, signed the final papers and closed on their house this past week.  Such an incredible way to celebrate their anniversary – closing on their new home and getting moved in to start a new chapter in their lives.

If you haven’t already done so, reach out and wish Brother Ebner and his wife congratulations!


Alumni News – Brother Ryen Linder is a Daddy!

February 17th will always be a very special day for Brother Ryen Linder, for  at 12: 23 p.m. on Monday, February 17th, Brother Linder and his wife, Katie, welcomed into the world their first child!  Little Madden Ryen Linder, all 6 lbs and 12 oz of her, was born to two of the proudest parents ever!


There’s no greater joy than being a parent, and Brother Linder now joins the ranks with numerous Delta Zeta Alumni who have already experienced the wonders of parenthood.  If you haven’t already, reach out to our Brother and extend your well wishes as he and his wife enter this new chapter of their lives (and prepare themselves for very little sleep for some time to come).

1957484_10101667539783870_889876817_nRyen Linder Child

Congrats, Brother Linder, we certainly wish all the best for Baby Madden!