Alumni News – Keeping the Alumni Active!

With the USF Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble behind us, what’s next for DZAA?  Your Exec Board has more in store for the rest of the year, and big plans for 2014!

First up is the DZAA Secret Santa holiday party!  Chi Phi Secet SantaMark your calendars for Saturday, December 14th.  Brother Kyllan Purdon is currently taking names and gift ideas for the party, so if you want to take part and join in on the fun, head over to our Facebook page and let Brother Purdon know that you’re in!  More details about the time and location of the party will be forthcoming.

Then, coming in 2014 – we’ve got the Founder’s Day Picnic, with the annual Alumni vs. 30th Anniversary Logo_ExcellenceActives softball game (will the Alumni keep the trophy?) … there’s the 30th Anniversary celebration event (an anniversary can be celebrated any time, can’t it?) … we’re already beginning preparations for the 2nd Annual USF Chi Phi Golf Scramble for next Fall (never too early to start planning) … and, of course, there’s the continuing Third Thursdays, the family-oriented Second Saturdays, community service opportunities, Housing Fund fundraisers, and so much more!

If you thought 2013 breathed some new life into the Delta Zeta Alumni Association, you ain’t seen nothing yet!  Keep your eyes peeled to this website and our Facebook page for more announcements – we’re counting on you to join us for all the fun and excitement in the coming months!

Chi Phi Heroes – Remembering the long forgotten

Chi Phi counts a long list of patriots among its members. Today we honor the hundreds of Chi Phis that are currently serving in the armed forces and the thousands that have come before them.  The first major conflict in which Chi Phis saw battle in service to their country was the American Civil War.  By the start of the war in 1861 there were about twenty men’s social fraternities in existence, Chi Phi was not only one of these groups, they were the sole fraternity to have men fight for both the Union and the Confederacy.


The Princeton Society and the Southern Order sent nearly their entire active membership to fight. Below is a list of these courageous Chi Phis:

Princeton Society

  • Charles Smith DeGraw, Princeton Society 1857, USA, Major in Army, Naval Medical Corps, Surgeon. Died in San Francisco 1882. Unknown which regiment in army or navy and unknown if death was in battle or a cause of one.
  • Abraham DePue, Princeton Society 1858, USA Record unknown.  Died in Mississippi in 1878.
  • Henry L. VanDyke, Princeton Society 1858, USA Record Unknown.
  • Charles Cossit, Princeton Society 1859, CSA killed in battle at Milton, TN. Record Unknown.[de1]
  • Sylvester Woodbridge, Princeton Society 1859, USA naval surgeon. Record Unknown.
  • Edwin DeGraw Conover, Princeton Society 1860, USA navy, Record unknown.
  • Lucius Henry Warren, Princeton Society 1860, army, USA Brigadier General. Record Unkown

Southern Order

  • Agustus Moore Flythe, (Alpha) Chapel Hill 1859, CSA, Private, Record Unknown.
  • Thomas Capehart, (Alpha) Chapel Hill 1861, CSA, 1st regiment North Carolina Volunteer Infantry, 3rd lieutenant, action at Big Bethel Virginia, 1862 promoted to Captain of artillery in 3rd North Carolina Battery, action at Seven Pines, 1864 Calvary assignment commission, Captain, served until end of war.
  • John Calhoun Tucker, (Alpha) Chapel Hill 1861, CSA, 39th Mississippi Infatry, Private, later commissioned as Captain, Died at home from illness in 1862.
  • William Green, (Alpha) Chapel Hill 1862, CSA, 5th Alabama Infantry, 2nd lieutenant, served until surrender at Appomattox, wounded at Sharpsburgh.[de2]
  • Fletcher Seymour, (Alpha) Chapel Hill 1862, CSA, 6th Tennessee Infantry, Private, after eight months commissioned as 2nd lieutenant, served until discharged due to a disability in October 1862, saw action in battles at Columbus and Mumsfordville.


On two separate occasions the records of the Southern Order were buried to conceal them from the advancing Union Army, also on two occasions the Chapel Hill Chapter (Alpha) was reduced to just one active member.

In the Southern Order 55 members of Alpha were in the Army, including all charter members, 45 of the first 47 initiated, 6 losing their lives in the conflict. Beta(Centenary): every living member entered, 3 being killed. Gamma(Davidson): contributed practically all her members, 9 being killed. Delta(UVA) lost 1. Epsilon(HSC) lost 5 of her 6 members in the war.

On Monday, Veteran’s Day, lets not just remember those courageous men who have sacrificed everything in our defense, lets also remember the Chapters who surrendered, in many cases, the very existence of their organization to pick up the burden of the able to protect those who could not protect themselves.

In the News – Adam Feinberg and Todd Latoski

“Young Donor Makes Lasting Impact on Chapter and Chi Phi.”  This is the headline to an article in the Fall 2013 printed issue of The Chi Phi Chakett which highlights Delta Zeta alumnus, Brother DSCN2132Adam Feinberg and his more than generous donation to support Chi Phi and Delta Zeta.  Brother Feinberg joined the MacLean Legacy Society this past spring with a $50,000 life insurance gift to the Fraternity, and he sat down for an interview with Senior Director of Development, Elizabeth Knott, to discuss his life with Chi Phi and the reasons for his donation.   So, with the three other DZAA mentions in this issue of the Chakett, Brother Feinberg’s article  raises it to a total of four nods to our Alumni Association in just one issue!  To read the full article, check out the inside cover of the Fall 2013 Chakett, or you can read the entire article online at

On the lighter side of things, fellow alumnus, Brother Todd Latoski, has been involved in his community theater for the past four years, and this weekend was the opening weekend of his latest play, “Drinking Habits.”  Brother Latoski DSCN2233plays an investigative reporter sent to uncover the truth behind a rumor that nuns are making award-winning wine at the local convent.  A hilarious farce, the play finds Brother Latoski changing identities, changing costumes, and changing stories so much you’ll need a score card!  The play is at the Shoestring Theater in Lake Helen (just outside of Orange City and Deltona) and runs for two more weekends.  For more info on the play, go to the website at  If you’re in the area, come out and support Brother Latoski and enjoy more than a few laughs!

If you’ve got news or an announcement, please don’t forget to let us know so that we can post it here and let all of your Brothers share in it!