Remembering Our Veterans

Tomorrow, our Nation celebrates Veterans Day – and while this is one day that has been set aside to remember all of those who have served, and those who continue to serve, our country, let’s remember that we should be honoring these brave men and women every day – not just on November 11th!


And to all of our Chi Phi Brothers who are serving in the armed forces – the Delta Zeta Alumni Association says THANK YOU!


Tampa Bay Chi Phi Club is Coming!

10402473_876283015729008_8443204472977231718_nFor those Chi Phi Alumni who still live in the Tampa Bay area – a Chi Phi Club is starting up right here in Tampa!  Currently, 3 to 4 volunteers are needed to serve as “social chairmen” (i.e., officers) for the Club.

Brother Ron Frank has announced that a meeting will be held in a couple ChiPhi_Crest_2009of weeks, and those who are interested in serving as an officer (or, if you simply want to become a member of the Tampa Bay Chi Phi Club), please contact him.

Just one more opportunity to strengthen the bonds of Brotherhood!

Third Thursday is Here!

Gentlemen – it’s that time of the month (and you know what I mean!). Time for the DZAA’s monthly Third Thursday gathering. So mark it on your calendar for Thursday, August 21st at 7:00 p.m., the Alumni will be meeting at the Brass Tap, located at 10019 North Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa, Florida.

Chi Phi 1

Come out and join us for drinks, appetizers, and some good ol’ fashioned comradery! Spouses, dates, significant others, and guests are always welcome to come along.

Stay in touch, catch up, and enjoy an evening out! Look forward to seeing all of you there!