Chapter News – Celebrating Chanukah

With all of the hoopla about the Thanksgiving holidays and the upcoming Christmas holidays, sometimes we forget about the Chanukah celebration that takes place each year.  This year, Chanukah was from November 27th through December 5th, and the Active Brothers co-sponsored a Chabbat event with Chabad USF.


Rabbi Pinny made an appearance at the event and shared some words of wisdom and encouragement, while the Brothers and others in attendance enjoyed sufganiyahs (the Jewish holiday donut) and homemade latkas.  There was also a candle ceremony, with everyone lighting their candle and singing a traditional prayer, and plenty of socializing with Chabad and other USF Greek organizations who were in attendance.

Remembering that Chi Phi’s Brotherhood recognizes and embraces diversity, it’s great to see our Active Brothers take part in another traditional holiday celebration!

Fundraising News – Funding the House

The new year is coming, and with 2014 just around the bend, your Alumni Association is looking at some long term goals – one of which is funding for the purchase of a house for Delta Zeta Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity.  As our DZAA President recently stated, we believe that our younger Brothers in the Delta Zeta Chapter deserve the opportunity to experience the benefits of a housed Fraternity.

Mu Delta Chapter of Chi Phi

When we stop and look back over the rich history of this Fraternity, and think about the numerous Chapters out there whose Brothers reside in a house specifically there for them, we can easily see what a difference it makes – not just in terms of responsibility and privacy, but also in developing a stronger camaraderie and bonding among the Brothers who share the common residence.

Tau Chapter of Chi Phi

In the coming years, the Delta Zeta Alumni Association will be looking at raising monies to increase the Housing Fund, and it is our sincere hope that all of our Brothers will step up and help out.

Kappa Delta Chapter of Chi Phi

Remember, the Chapter House is not just for the Active Brothers, but it is also a place for the Alumni to fellowship and a home for the Delta Zeta Brothers for many years to come.  More information will be shared in the coming months, and we are counting on you to answer the call!

Ready to  answer the call today? Follow this link to learn how you can make a small monthly donation that will have a huge long term impact.