Happy Birthday, Alumni!

The Delta Zeta Alumni Association wants to extend to all of our Brothers who have birthdays in December the warmest and happiest birthday wishes for a wonderful day!


Those celebrating this month are:

 Kyle Schlenker – December 4th
Alex Petriliak, III – December 8th
Brandon Peterman – December 8th
Matthew Flannagan – December 27th
Andrew Schultz, Sr. – December 27th

 Best wishes to each and every one of you, as well as all of our other Brothers who are celebrating birthdays in December (and who we may have missed in the above list)!

Catching Up with the Chapter – New Members!

Delta Zeta Actives

While the Fall Semester is nearing its end for the Delta Zeta Chapter, it has definitely not been a stagnant one. The Chapter has added to its ranks six new members, welcoming six new Brothers into Chi Phi.


Julian Leone, Freshman


Taylor Burke, Freshman


Josh Baker, Freshman

(No Photo Available) – Leo Muniz, Sophomore


Mitch McHugh, Junior


Will Bramich, Senior

 The DZAA extends a welcome to these six young gentlemen, and we have no doubt that they will make excellent additions to the Chapter as they learn more about Chi Phi and strive to become better men, build lifelong friendships, gain valuable leadership opportunities, and develop stronger character.

Welcome to Chi Phi, gentlemen!