Happy Labor Day!


On this holiday, the Delta Zeta Alumni Association would like to pay tribute to all of those men who have contributed so much to this great nation’s strength, freedom, and leadership – as American workers, this Labor Day is for you!

Wishing each and every one of our Alumni a safe and a very happy Labor Day!

Where Are They Now? – Adam Feinberg

Whatever happened to Adam Feinberg? Before Delta Zeta even named their classes, Adam Feinberg was there! It was 1987 when this young college student pledged the Delta Zeta Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity, and Brother Feinberg fondly recalls, “it was simple [back then], and I still have my ‘Squid #86’ pledge jersey! The great idea of class names started once we knew it was forever and not just 50 guys and li’l sisters having fun!” He stuck with it, though, and graduated in 1990 with a degree in International Studies and Economics (“Why?” he asks, “I have no idea!”).

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After college, Brother Feinberg married his beautiful wife, Dganitt, who, coincidentally enough, he went to high school with but never knew her at that time! They have four great kids, ages 7, 10, 12, and 14, and to support this amazing family, he works as the Guardian Protection Services Regional Sales Manager for not one, not two, not even three, but FOUR states!

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He currently resides in Pennsylvania, just south of Philadelphia. He remains in contact with several of his Brothers through Facebook, and he checks in with them from time to time. “Chip Woodward was my roommate in Lambda II Dorm when he joined Chi Phi,” Brother Feinberg recalls. “The next semester, I joined, and we have been great friends ever since. My door is always open to a DZ!” He definitely misses Chip, as well as George King. “And even Tanner,” he adds, “formally known as Gary Chaiken, and several others too.” But with all of the modern technology of cell phones, e-mails, and Facebook, Brother Feinberg tries to stay in touch with them all.

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When thinking about how his years with Chi Phi has impacted his life, Brother Feinberg admits that is a huge question. “I tried to answer that in a Chakett article that came out a few months ago. The three “L’s” come to mind all the time – Listen, Learn, and Lead. When thinking back to having to do so much with so little time, and yet have such a great time doing it keeps me sane with things get tough in my day to day life. At least now, when I work my butt off, there is a paycheck attached to it,” he adds with a grin.

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Brother Feinberg states he is always a Chi Phi and will always remain in the bonds.

Closing in on 150!

This year marked the 149th Congress for the Chi Phi Fraternity. Brother Kyllan Purdon, our Vice President for the Delta Zeta Alumni Association, attended this year, as did Brothers Philip Gilroy and Blaise Levai from our Active Chapter. There was a lot that went on at Congress this year, and Greek Yearbook captured a number of images from Congress.

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Chi Phi Congress 4

With the close of this year’s Congress, we are already looking ahead at next year’s event, which will be Chi Phi’s 150th Congress! For more pictures from this year, check out https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152195089465418.1073741843.110451665417&type=1