Delta Zeta Covers The Chakett – AGAIN!

You read that right – Delta Zeta has made the cover of the Spring Issue of Chi Phi’s national magazine, The Chi Phi Chakett in the form of the Chapter’s current Beta, Miles C. White.  One of the magazine’s lead stories is about the recent Alpha’s Academy, a program designed specifically to prepare Chi Phi men to serve as Alphas for their Chapter.   10273414_10151975616151717_6199169853545739392_nBrother White has always wanted to go to a National Chi Phi Congress and learn all that he could about the Fraternity, how it works at other schools, and to basically find out if Chi Phi’s were “awesome” nationwide.  He found his opportunity in the Alpha’s Academy, which turned out to be one of the greatest experiences of his life!

For Brother White, the Alpha’s Academy did exactly what it sets out to do – it better prepares an inexperienced exec board member to be the ideal Chi Phi president.  “It shows us our leadership styles and highlights our weaknesses,” he explained.  “There were also many discussions that were freely based, so we had the opportunity to figure out what our Chapter was doing wrong and some possible solutions.  I spent lots of time networking with other Alphas to try and get advice on issues within our Chapter and how we might best address them.  The results have been stupendous.”

Brother White relates an experience he has while having lunch with some other Alphas, 1238211_10200647266079845_1541784739_nspecifically from University of California-Davis and Oregan State.  “I asked them how they tackled Rush Week and Recruitment,” he said.  “They looked at me kind of funny and said, ‘Rush Week isn’t important.’  They went on to explain the idea of True 365 Recruitment.  They helped me realize that Rush events could be anytime, and that we could be having events whenever we wanted.  I brought this back to our Chapter, gave it to my Rush Chair, and we made it happen.”  Since returning, Brother White’s enthusiasm has spread, and the Chapter has had a Recruitment workshop, along with a non-Rush Week recruitment event to specifically encourage potential new members to hang out with Chi Phi.

“Alpha’s Academy gave me all the tools necessary to run a Chapter,” Brother White added.  “As Beta, it has been instrumental in my development.”

For more details about the Alpha’s Academy, and to see Brother White represent the Delta Zeta Chapter on the cover of The Chakett, be sure to check out the Spring Issue, which should be arriving in your mailbox any day now (or, if you can’t wait for the magazine, check out the article online at

Chapter News – Delta Zeta Spikes It Up!

The Brothers of the Delta Zeta Chapter have done it again!  Their ongoing run of first place trophies and ribbons continues as the Brothers took home the first place overall trophy at Chi Omega’s Spike It Up Fundraiser this past weekend.

Chi Phi Spike it Up

Spike It Up is Chi Omega’s annual philanthrophy, all the proceeds from which go to benefit the Make-A-Wish organization.  It is a bracket style volleyball competition that, every year, sees a great turnout from the various Greek organizations on campus.

So congratulations to the Active Brothers for another great win!

Chapter News – Meet the New Members for Spring 2014!

Spring is a time for growth, and following Rush Week back in January, the Chapter is happy to have three new members joining the Delta Zeta Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity!  Rahul Srinivas, Matthew Deem, and Sean McHugh are three highly esteemed gentlemen who are currently completing their new member education before becoming full-fledged Brothers of the Fraternity.Chi Phi 1 - Rahul

Rahul Srinivas is a Freshman at USF, having graduated in India.  He is majoring in Mechanical Engineering and aspires to make a name for himself in the automobile industry.  Rahul hopes that Chi Phi will help him improve his leadership qualities and that he will learn things from the Fraternity to help make him a better man.

Matthew Deem comes from a family of Greeks, so it was only natural that Chi Phi 1 - Matthewthey encouraged him to seek out a Fraternity when he came to USF.  He maintains a close relationship with his parents and two siblings, and having a strong love for music, often goes to concerts with his brother.  Matthew is very excited about becoming a part of this Brotherhood and looks forward to where it will lead him.

Sean McHugh hails from Houston, Texas, having moved Chi Phi 1 - Seanto Florida just four years ago.  He transferred to USF as a junior last year, and this is his second semester.  Sean’s major is in Medical Technology, and when he’s not studying, he enjoys golfing, fishing, and basically anything outdoors.  He hopes that in Chi Phi he will gain experience in executive positions while forging friendships with his new Brothers.

It’s always exciting to see the Chapter grow, not just in quantity, but with quality – and it’s clear that these three new members definitely fulfill the quality that Chi Phi demands of its men.

Welcome to Chi Phi, gentlemen!