Fundraising News – Get Ready For RENT-A-CHI

You’ve been hearing the rumblings – the DZAA is putting on a fundraiser to help raise money for the Delta Zeta Housing Fund.

You’ve seen the recent website post – RENT-A-CHI is coming!


Now you’ll get the facts!  RENT-A-CHI is a fundraiser unlike any other.  On Sunday, April 13th, following the annual Scarlet vs Blue Classic softball game, the Delta Zeta Alumni Association will be holding an auction.  But this is not your normal auction.  Instead of works of art, family heirlooms, or other prized possessions, the DZAA will be auctioning off Delta Zeta Brothers!  Yes, you read that right.  RENT-A-CHI is an opportunity for you to bid on, and win, a Delta Zeta Brother for an afternoon.

Members of the Association exec board, including Brothers David Ebner, Kyllan Purdon, Todd Latoski, and Clinton Millsap, along with some of the Active Brothers, will be auctioning themselves up to help increase the amount currently in the DZ Housing Fund.  auction-hammerWith your winning bid, you could have Brother Purdon washing your dog and car … or Brother Millsap setting up all those programs you’ve been wanting to add to your computer … or Brother Latoski organizing and cleaning up your garage … or Brother Ebner taking that CrossFit class with you.  Whatever you need done (within the physical and mental means of the Chi for whom you have the winning bid), the Brothers of Delta Zeta are ready and willing to take on!

The auction will be open to any and all in attendance – Alumni, Active Brothers, spouses, significant others, family, friends – anyone who wants to bid is more to welcome!  So, while we are enjoying the annual picnic after the softball game this year, we’ll also be raising money to finally purchase a Chi Phi House.

More details, including a full list of Brothers to be auctioned, as well as full rules and guidelines, will be coming soon!  Mark your calendars for April 13th and start saving that spare change now – this is one auction you won’t want to miss out on!

Chapter News – Spring Rush!

Next week is Rush Week for the Delta Zeta Chapter of Chi Phi at University of South Florida.  The Active Brothers are excited about Rush, and their hope is to see the Chapter grow with some new gentlemen who exemplify the Chi Phi standards.  The Brothers have a lot of fun activities planned, from pigging out on pizza to showing their skills at bowling to raising the stakes with poker – all culminating in the Friday evening Traditions Dinner.

Rush Week

As always, the Actives want to invite the Alumni to come out and participate in as many events as possible to show potential recruits just how active the Alumni are in the Fraternity and the close relationship the Active Chapter has with the Alumni Association.  If you have any, or all, of the nights next week available, please consider joining in on the fun!

For questions, you can contact the Rush Chair, Alex Sadowski, (609) 781-0976.

Fundraising News – Rent-A-Chi

As previously mentioned, the DZAA is looking in 2014 to begin increasing the housing fund, with the ultimate goal of helping purchase a Chi Phi house for the Chapter.  To help get the ball rolling, the DZAA will be hosting a fundraiser this year unlike any other.


Do you have an unfinished project around the house?  Do you wish someone would haul off that junk in the back yard?  Do you dream of a day of rest, with someone to fetch your slippers, change the tv channel, and bring you a nice cold brew?  Does your car need washing…your lawn need mowing…your house need dusting?  Do you have a list of things you’ve been putting off because – well, quite frankly, you just didn’t want to do them?

What if we told you there’s a way to not only help the DZAA increase the amount of its housing fund, but to also check off items on that to do list at the same time?


Rent-A-Chi is coming….