Chapter News – Serving Chi Phi and the Community

The election results are in, and Philip Gilroy 208691_10150213412442448_1423786_nhas been voted in as the next Alpha, to serve the Fraternity in 2014.  Brother Gilroy has been active in the Fraternity on campus, and he states, “I am honored to be voted in as the next Alpha.  I would like to please both the Active Chapter and the Alumni.  If there is anything that you would like to see happen, please contact me.  I look forward to working with everyone.”  The Alumni Association congratulates Brother Gilroy on his new position!

But wait – there’s more!  The Chapter also elected more than just the Alpha!  After the votes were tallied, the new Exec Board and Chairs were named:  Miles White is the new Beta; 1463134_698308236847035_823123041_nNathan Drass is the new Gamma; Billy De Guzman is the new Delta; Michael Bennett is the new Epsilon; Blaise Levai is the new Zeta; Benyamin Katz is the new Eta; Alex Sadowski is the new Recruitment Chair; and Rico is the new Pi/Pledge Ed Chair.  Congratulations go out to each and every Brother as they step into these new roles, and we look forward to seeing the Chapter grow and strengthen under their leadership!

1425738_10153475672800006_1142331265_nThe Chapter also recently donated their time and efforts to assist the Boys and Girls Club of America, by cleaning and painting and providing necessary manpower and assistance in much needed clean up for the 1470368_10153475672740006_2111501229_norganization.  The Boys and Girls Club of America is Chi Phi’s national philanthropy, and the Chapter recently raised $450 to help the organization.  Now, in addition to money, they have given of their time and talents to further assist!  Snaps to all of the Active Brothers who participated in the community service event!


Chapter News – DZ Wins Again!

The Delta Zeta Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity at USF does it again!  After the magnificent wins during Homecoming Week – – after the successful Spelling Bee philanthropy – – now the Active Brothers have scored another win for the Chapter!  On November 8th, Chi Omega hosted their Chi-O Rodeo at the Greek Village Fields.  The Brothers put on an awesome performance, and in so doing, they took first place boot and first place overall for the night’s competitions!  Delta Zeta is showing themselves to be strong, both on campus and in the community, this year, and the Alumni are extremely proud of what these young men are doing!


And if that wasn’t enough, the Chapter initiated the seven new members into the Fraternity – congratulations goes out to Blaise Levai, Nathan Drass, Blake Halloran, Nick Julian, Raymond Vedros, Jake Heintz, and Ben Katz – welcome to the Delta Zeta Chapter, Brothers!

Alumni, let’s continue to show our support for the Active Chapter as they continue to grow and succeed!


Chapter News – Homecoming Activities

The Chapter is definitely staying active these days!  They are practicing hard for the upcoming “Putting on the Hits,” where the men will be dancing and lip synching for Sigma Delta Tau’s philanthropy to benefit Prevent Child Abuse America.  If that weren’t enough, the Chapter is also working hard on Chi Omega’s “Chi O Rodeo.”  This is another Greek philanthropy that involves line dancing, bull riding, boot decoration, and the whole kit and caboodle, all to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation.


Homecoming also starts this week, and so it’s been busy days and nights for the Brothers.  They have completed the banner competition and window painting (for which the men put in nearly 8 hours to complete), and several of the Active Brothers attended the “Anchor Splash” philanthropy hosted by Delta Gamma.  And today, the men collected can goods to be donated at a later time – for now, though, as  part of the homecoming activities, they had to create something unique with them, and that they did!


Snaps to all of the Active Brothers for the hard work they are putting in, not only for Chi Phi, but for all the organizations that the fraternities and sororities are supporting!