Social News – 30th Anniversary Celebration


The Delta Zeta Alumni Association will be celebrating our 30th anniversary during Founders’ Weekend, April 11-13, 2014. Yes, it’s technically our 31st anniversary, but there’s no set rule saying we can’t celebrate 30 years in our 31st year!   This is definitely a landmark for the Fraternity, knowing that through all the ups and downs, the good times and the bad, we, as Brothers, have weathered every storm to persevere and keep Chi Phi alive at USF for 30 years and counting.  A full weekend of events are being planned:

Friday, April 11th – Evening Happy Hour

Saturday, April 12th – Founders’ Banquet Celebrating 30+ Years of Chi Phi at USF

Sunday, April 13th – Classic Scarlet v. Blue Softball Game at Riverfront Park

All Alumni are encouraged to attend the weekend’s events, and everyone is encouraged to bring their spouses, partners, and significant others to help celebrate this tremendous weekend.  Come to Tampa for the weekend and bring the whole family!

Chapter News – Celebrating Chanukah

With all of the hoopla about the Thanksgiving holidays and the upcoming Christmas holidays, sometimes we forget about the Chanukah celebration that takes place each year.  This year, Chanukah was from November 27th through December 5th, and the Active Brothers co-sponsored a Chabbat event with Chabad USF.


Rabbi Pinny made an appearance at the event and shared some words of wisdom and encouragement, while the Brothers and others in attendance enjoyed sufganiyahs (the Jewish holiday donut) and homemade latkas.  There was also a candle ceremony, with everyone lighting their candle and singing a traditional prayer, and plenty of socializing with Chabad and other USF Greek organizations who were in attendance.

Remembering that Chi Phi’s Brotherhood recognizes and embraces diversity, it’s great to see our Active Brothers take part in another traditional holiday celebration!

Alumni News – Keeping the Alumni Active!

With the USF Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble behind us, what’s next for DZAA?  Your Exec Board has more in store for the rest of the year, and big plans for 2014!

First up is the DZAA Secret Santa holiday party!  Chi Phi Secet SantaMark your calendars for Saturday, December 14th.  Brother Kyllan Purdon is currently taking names and gift ideas for the party, so if you want to take part and join in on the fun, head over to our Facebook page and let Brother Purdon know that you’re in!  More details about the time and location of the party will be forthcoming.

Then, coming in 2014 – we’ve got the Founder’s Day Picnic, with the annual Alumni vs. 30th Anniversary Logo_ExcellenceActives softball game (will the Alumni keep the trophy?) … there’s the 30th Anniversary celebration event (an anniversary can be celebrated any time, can’t it?) … we’re already beginning preparations for the 2nd Annual USF Chi Phi Golf Scramble for next Fall (never too early to start planning) … and, of course, there’s the continuing Third Thursdays, the family-oriented Second Saturdays, community service opportunities, Housing Fund fundraisers, and so much more!

If you thought 2013 breathed some new life into the Delta Zeta Alumni Association, you ain’t seen nothing yet!  Keep your eyes peeled to this website and our Facebook page for more announcements – we’re counting on you to join us for all the fun and excitement in the coming months!