Chapter News – DZ Wins Again!

The Delta Zeta Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity at USF does it again!  After the magnificent wins during Homecoming Week – – after the successful Spelling Bee philanthropy – – now the Active Brothers have scored another win for the Chapter!  On November 8th, Chi Omega hosted their Chi-O Rodeo at the Greek Village Fields.  The Brothers put on an awesome performance, and in so doing, they took first place boot and first place overall for the night’s competitions!  Delta Zeta is showing themselves to be strong, both on campus and in the community, this year, and the Alumni are extremely proud of what these young men are doing!


And if that wasn’t enough, the Chapter initiated the seven new members into the Fraternity – congratulations goes out to Blaise Levai, Nathan Drass, Blake Halloran, Nick Julian, Raymond Vedros, Jake Heintz, and Ben Katz – welcome to the Delta Zeta Chapter, Brothers!

Alumni, let’s continue to show our support for the Active Chapter as they continue to grow and succeed!


Chapter News Extra! Homecoming Extravaganza

Homecoming Week wasn’t just a big event for the Alumni Association, what with the Fall Meeting, Tailgating, and Golf Tournament – it was also a winning week for the Chapter as well.  And win they did!  The Delta Zeta Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity teamed up with the ladies of Chi Omega and the gentlemen of Delta Chi to compete in the numerous Homecoming events.  Not only did they take 6 of the 8 First Place sashes (CharitaBull, Blood Drive, Shriner’s Tabs, Green and Gold Rush, Color the Campus, and Overall), but the Chapter also took home the First Place Trophy for Homecoming 2013!

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In addition to these great successes, the Chapter’s current Alpha, Jose Suarez, made it to the final round of the RedBull Play & Destroy competition, where students went head to head in an iPod battle.  The student DJs were given a category and had to play the beset 30 seconds of a song to win the crowd over.  Brother Suarez went up against a member of Sigma Chi, turning the tournament into a battle between fraternities.  At the end of the night, Chi Phi’s very own was declared to be the winner and named the top RedBull DJ of Tampa Bay!

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Turns out that both the Alumni and the Actives had a successful Homecoming Week – so snaps to all of the Delta Zeta Brothers!

Have You Checked Out The Wine Press?

As you may have guessed by now, one of the biggest goals of the current Executive Board of the DZAA is better communication.  We are striving to make better contact with each and every one of our Alumni Brothers, and part of the way we are doing that is through our Alumni Association newsletter, the Wine Press.


Whether it’s promoting our golfing fundraiser to raise funds for the Chi Phi Educational Trust, reporting on the growth of the Active Chapter, or catching up with some of our fellow Alumni, the Wine Press has been an outreach to the Alumni.  Where else would you have learned that the Alumni won again in the annual Alumni vs. Actives game?  Or that DZAA helped to rebuild Tampa?  Or find out what’s been happening in the lives of fellow Alumni, such as Brian Harff and Cesar Ribot?

Now, with the successful creation of this new website and its regular newsfeed updates every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, the Wine Press is being reinvented to make the most of it.   Each new issue of the Wine Press (the most recent issue having just been e-mailed out this week) will capture some of the biggest newsfeeds from the website, as well as feature some new material specific to the newsletter.  In this way, those who don’t read the website on a regular basis will still have a means to catch up on all the Alumni Association news, and those who do read the website regularly will still have a few new articles to read.  And if you miss an issue, they are all archived right here on our website:

So don’t delete those e-mails – check out the Wine Press…check out the website…and stay informed of the latest news from the Delta Zeta Alumni Association!