Don’t Forget to Vote!

The Fall Bi-Annual General Meeting of the Delta Zeta Alumni Association is less than one week away – Sunday, October 12, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. at the USF Marshall Center, Room MSC 3713. At the meeting, we will be voting on the budget for the 2015 Fiscal Year.

Pursuant to the By-Laws for the DZAA, in order for there to be a quorum at any General Meeting of the DZAA, we must have fifty percent (50%) of all voting members, plus one, present at the meeting. The By-Laws defines a voting member as “any initiated Alumnus of the Chi Phi Fraternity who does not hold voting rights in any other Chapter-specific Alumni Association or Housing Corporation. Voting members must be current on their financial obligations (dues) to the DZAA…” Thus, based upon the large number of currently-paid active Alumni in the DZAA (which, believe it or not, is 48!!!!), twenty-five (25) of those dues-paid members are needed to be present in order for there to be a quorum at the October 12th meeting.


If you are already planning to be at the meeting, great! If you have not made plans, please consider attending the meeting and support the DZAA. We will also be providing a way for you to attend via teleconference. More information on the teleconference is forthcoming.

However, if for any reason you are unable to make it to the meeting or call in, there is another way you can help the DZAA reach its quorum for the meeting …


An email survey will be going out on Monday, October 6, 2014 around 9:00 AM. In the survey will be two motions, one on the 2015 Budget and another on changing quorum for meetings (you can see how this will be an issue with so many members). By voting on the two motions, you will be theoretically voting by proxy for the meeting. So keep an eye out for that e-mail and please, when you receive it, respond quickly so that we can ensure a quorum is present and all DZAA business can be properly conducted.

If you are a dues paying member and have not received the survey by Tuesday, October 7,  email us at We probably don’t have your email!

We look forward to everyone participating in the Fall meeting and appreciate all of your support!


The Alumni Directory is Coming!

How would you like to get in contact with Chip Woodward? Do you know what Todd Yontek is doing these days? Want to send Steve Hisaw an e-mail? Want a plumber who’s a fellow DZ Brother? Or maybe you need an accountant to take care of your taxes? Well, guess what – that information is coming your way! The DZAA is putting together an Alumni Directory that will put you in touch with all of your old friends (and some not-so-old friends, as well!) in the Delta Zeta Alumni Association.


Of course, the only way you’ll be able to get this information is to share this information! The DZAA is asking that, if you haven’t already, contact us and provide us with your current contact information – address, telephone number, e-mail, as well as your current occupation. This will allow us to put together a complete, and fully updated, Alumni Directory that will only be shared with alumni of Delta Zeta. This will allow you to reach out to Brothers you haven’t heard from or seen in a while, and at the same time, will allow some great business contacts for any need that may arise – and help keep it all in the DZ family!

We would like to have the directory completed by the end of 2014, so we are asking each and every one of you to contact the DZAA at to provide your updated information – and be on the lookout, as we also will be reaching out to you if we haven’t heard from you.

Just one more way we’re bringing the DZAA closer together!

Fall 2014 DZAA Bi-Annual Meeting


The Fall 2014 Bi-Annual Meeting of the Delta Zeta Alumni Association is scheduled for Sunday, October 12, 2014. The meeting will start at 11:00 a.m. and will be held in Room MSC 3713 of the Marshall Student Center on the USF Campus..

The agenda for the meeting will include:

  1. President’s Report (Brother David Ebner)
  2. Vice-President’s Report (Brother Kyllan Purdon)
  3. Secretary’s Report (Brother Todd Latoski)
  4. Treasurer’s Report (Brother Ryan Suarez
  5. Technology Chairman’s Report (Brother Clinton Millsap)
  6. Chapter Advisor’s Report (Brother Quincy Banis)
  7. Archivist’s Report (Brother Jason Bornstein)
  8. New Business (including approval of the budget and President’s Award)
  9. Announcements
  10. Adjournment

All Alumni are welcome, and encouraged, to attend the meeting. All Alumni who have paid their dues will be eligible to vote on the budget at the meeting. This is your opportunity to not only hear updates on what has been happening in the DZAA and what is planned for the months ahead, but it is also a chance for you to have a say in what is happening in YOUR Alumni Association.


So come out and take an active part in the DZAA, as we lead the Association into even more exciting things in 2015!