Fundraiser Info – The Chi Phi Educational Trust

As many of you know (and some of you may not), each year, the Chi Phi Educational Trust provides financial support to the scholarship, educational and values-based leadership programs that impact Chi Phi students, chapters and the general public.  Our recent Golf Tournament raised funds to support the Chi Phi Educational Trust, and the Second Annual USF-Chi Phi Golf Scramble to be held in the Fall of 2014 will continue to support this fund.


The declared purposes of the Trust are:

  1. To assist and supplement the work of universities, colleges and schools in the promotion of the scholarship and development of the character and morality of students;
  2. To provide improved educational facilities, opportunities and conveniences for students; (c) To make donations and/or loan money to universities, colleges and schools;
  3. To assist needy and deserving students to complete their education;
  4. To aid aged or disabled former students who are in need and are worthy of assistance;
  5. To expend money for any other educational and/or charitable purpose not inconsistent with any of the foregoing specific purposes.

In 1933, the IRS recognized the Chi Phi Educational Trust as a 501(c)(3) educational foundation.  Since then, thanks to the support of thousands of alumni, parents, undergraduates, friends and corporate partners, the Trust has become a vital part of the success of Chi Phi.

Delta Zeta currently has in its Educational Trust fund a total of $8,461.17.   In 2013, the following people and companies helped to increase the funds in our Trust to that amount:

$105.00    B. Callaway
$100.71    David Ebner
$  25.00    Philip Gilroy
$  50.00    Todd Latoski
$100.00    Clinton Millsap
$105.00    David Millsap
$  50.00    Publix Supermarket
$472.50    Pyro Display
$225.00    James Ulseth
$294.00    Weller Enterprises
$241.57    Chip Woodward

The Delta Zeta Alumni Association would like to personally thank each and every one of our Brothers for their donations, and for those companies who gave of their resources to support this worthwhile fund.  If you’ve never given to support this cause, or if it’s been a long time since you have, we hope you’ll consider this when thinking about what donations you will be making in 2014 – your donation could go a long way to helping a fellow Brother complete his education!

Chi Phi – The Learning Never Ends!

As Alumni, most of you know that just because you graduated college, that doesn’t mean your learning ends!  For some, it’s straight into the work force.  For others, it’s a bit of traveling and “sowing your wild oats” before settling down into a full-time career.  And for others, there’s graduate school and more.  Regardless of the path you chose after graduation, one thing things remains true – you’re still learning!

But getting that additional education isn’t always inexpensive.  Juggling a family, a home, and a career can sometimes leave little time (and little money!) available to go back to school for that graduate degree.  Did you know that Chi Phi can help with that?  Chi Phi’s Educational Trust awards $100,000 in academic and member development scholarships each and every year, and some of those scholarships are awarded to Alumni who seek to further their education.  Just ask Alumnus, Brother David Ebner, who won a graduate scholarship this year!


There are various scholarships available to Chi Phi members, including Graduate Scholarships and the Ramsaur Leadership Award.  All applications for scholarships are reviewed and evaluated by a panel made up strictly of volunteer Alumni.  Once applications are submitted, the Scholarship Committee will match qualified applicants with all available scholarships for which they are eligible.  Scholarships can range in amounts anywhere from $750 all the way up to $2,000!

For more information on the scholarships, eligibility, the review process, and how to apply, go to the National Chi Phi website at

Fundraising News – Scholarship Scramble is Almost Here!

October 27th is fast approaching, and the First Annual USF Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble, to benefit the Chi Phi Educational Trust scholarship Fund, will soon be here.


The donations continue to come in – both in the form of money (Icardi & Icardi, P.A. – Publix – Clinton Milsap – Bryan Calloway – Todd Latoski) and in the form of gifts (Greek Unique – Florida Aquarium – Dixon Golf – Rosedale Country Club).  In addition to the golf tournament, there will be a raffle, in which participants will have the opportunity to win a number of great prizes (from rounds of golf, to aquarium tickets, and more!).

We’ve also had more people signing up to play, so don’t delay!  Time is running out!  If you don’t have a foursome, don’t worry – we have other “free agents” with whom we can put you!  The Golf Scramble will take place on Sunday, October 27th at 8:00 a.m. at the Claw at USF, located at 13801 North 46th Street in Tampa.

For more information, or to sign up, visit