Alumni News – Where Were You on SuperBowl Sunday?

Sunday, February 2nd was a day of annual tradition for many football fans – SuperBowl Sunday!  While some watched with family, others watched with friends, and some just said “Who gives a *#&!” and went out and had some fun!

Like Brothers Aaron Poidevin, Quincy Banis, and Sameep Shah who donned their hats and sunglasses for some “everglades adventures”

 Aaron Quincy and Sam

Or like Brother Shaun Gorden, who found the game to be “kinda lame,” but did get some enjoyment out of the commercials (for which the SuperBowl has become quite famous for!)

Then again, maybe like Brother John Baker, who believed Pepsi spent more on the half-time fireworks display than they did on the actual half-time entertainment (I mean, really – has anything ever topped Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction?)

On the other hand, maybe like Brother Michael Vickers, who found the half-time show (with Bruno Mars and the Red Hot Chili Peppers) to be the “best halftime show I’ve seen in years”

Of course, there’s always Brother Bill Bartlett, who watched the event with pizza and wings

 Bill Bartlett

Quite frankly, it doesn’t matter how you spent the day – because no matter what you did, or where you did it, you were experiencing the day right along-side all of your Brothers in the Delta Zeta Alumni Association!  Snaps!!

Sharing the Memories of the Holidays with the DZAA

The Christmas holidays may have come and gone, but the memories last a life time.  We all treasure the memories we make, whether it’s with family or friends…whether it’s the thrill of getting the gift you’ve been wanting or the joy in watching someone enjoy the give you gave them…whether it’s sharing in the tradition of years gone by or the excitement in creating new traditions with the next generation…whether it’s being all bundled up to face the cold or enjoying the sunset on the beach…let the memories you made over the Christmas holidays be a reminder of just how good life can be – and share in your fellow Alumni’s joy and good will as we close out 2013 and look forward to the coming year!


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Social News – Secret Santa Gift Exchange

It’s almost time, gentlemen!  This Saturday (December 14th) is the DZAA’s Secret Santa Gift Exchange.  The party will be from 8 pm until 11 pm and will be held at the home of Jon DeJongh.  All Alumni are encouraged to attend, and wives/girlfriends/fiancées/partners/significant others are welcome and invited!


This year’s event is a “drink exchange” – everyone who indicated they would be participating should have already received your Secret Santa name (if you have not, contact Kyllan Purdon immediately).  During the party, the gifts will be exchanged and each Brother will have the opportunity to enjoy a drink from their gift right then and there.  It should certainly make for an entertaining evening.

Remember that this is a holiday bash413A+IbpJ+L__SY300_, so be sure to dress accordingly.  This event will take the place of December’s Third Thursday event.  The regularly scheduled Third Thursdays will resume in January.

We look forward to seeing everyone there, and remember – HAVE A HOLLY, JOLLY CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR!