Chapter News – Homecoming Activities

The Chapter is definitely staying active these days!  They are practicing hard for the upcoming “Putting on the Hits,” where the men will be dancing and lip synching for Sigma Delta Tau’s philanthropy to benefit Prevent Child Abuse America.  If that weren’t enough, the Chapter is also working hard on Chi Omega’s “Chi O Rodeo.”  This is another Greek philanthropy that involves line dancing, bull riding, boot decoration, and the whole kit and caboodle, all to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation.


Homecoming also starts this week, and so it’s been busy days and nights for the Brothers.  They have completed the banner competition and window painting (for which the men put in nearly 8 hours to complete), and several of the Active Brothers attended the “Anchor Splash” philanthropy hosted by Delta Gamma.  And today, the men collected can goods to be donated at a later time – for now, though, as  part of the homecoming activities, they had to create something unique with them, and that they did!


Snaps to all of the Active Brothers for the hard work they are putting in, not only for Chi Phi, but for all the organizations that the fraternities and sororities are supporting!

Around the Peninsula with Chi Phi – Nu Delta Honors a Fallen Brother

The Nu Delta Chapter of Chi Phi hosted the John Tinsley Memorial 5k Run on September 22, 2013 in honor of their fallen brother, John Tinsley.  Although the weather was not conducive for the event, Nu Delta still managed to turn the Run into an extremely successful affair. Overall, more than $3,500 was raised for ROTC Scholarships and the Wounded Warrior Project.

tinsley_john_lgFor those who are unaware, Captain John Tinsley, 28, was killed August 12, 2009 by an improvised explosive device strike to his vehicle during a routine patrol in the Oruzgan Province, Afghanistan while serving with company B of 2nd Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group. Throughout time, there have always been citizens of this great country that have gone above and beyond their civil duties. These people put the well-being of society and their country before themselves.  Brother Tinsley exemplified these values.

Nu Delta alumnus, Jason White said one time he and Tinsley went to Potbelly’s and stayed out late the night before they had to go on an early-morning 5K run. Tinsley insisted that White stayed at his place so he could make sure White would wake up on time.  The Nu Delta Alumni Association has taken this memory and turned it into their annual Tinsley 5k Run to recreate something Brother Tinsley loved. Each step taken towards finishing the race is another step taken in ensuring that his memory lives on. The proceeds of the 5k go to the Tinsley Scholarship which is set up to assist FSU ROTC students and to the Wounded Warrior Federation.

The Chapter is thankful to all Chi Phi alumni that came out to celebrate his memory and support the Tinsley family, who traveled from various parts of the country to be in attendance.

(Information for this article was obtained from Nu Delta Alumni Association’s website,, as well as from

Fall 2013 Rush Week for Delta Zeta at USF

Fall Rush 2013

This week is Rush Week for the Active Chapter of Delta Zeta at University of South Florida.  The current Brothers are excited about Rush, and they have many new prospects for the Fraternity.  The activities planned for Rush Week are as follows:

September 3, 2013 – 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Location:  Greek Meadows

September 4, 2013 – 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Location:  Avalon Pool

September 5, 2013 – 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Location:  Greek Meadows

September 6, 2013 – 7:00 p.m. to ???
Location:  TBA

Chi Phi 2013

The Actives have invited the Alumni to come out and participate in as many events as possible to show the potential recruits just how active the Alumni are in the Fraternity and what level of close relationship the Active Chapter has with the Alumni Association.  If you have any, or all, of the nights this week available, head on out and join the festivities.

For questions, you can contact Michael Bennett at (407) 406-0697 or Ryan Kirchoffer at (352) 454-0790.