Fundraising News – Funding the House

The new year is coming, and with 2014 just around the bend, your Alumni Association is looking at some long term goals – one of which is funding for the purchase of a house for Delta Zeta Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity.  As our DZAA President recently stated, we believe that our younger Brothers in the Delta Zeta Chapter deserve the opportunity to experience the benefits of a housed Fraternity.

Mu Delta Chapter of Chi Phi

When we stop and look back over the rich history of this Fraternity, and think about the numerous Chapters out there whose Brothers reside in a house specifically there for them, we can easily see what a difference it makes – not just in terms of responsibility and privacy, but also in developing a stronger camaraderie and bonding among the Brothers who share the common residence.

Tau Chapter of Chi Phi

In the coming years, the Delta Zeta Alumni Association will be looking at raising monies to increase the Housing Fund, and it is our sincere hope that all of our Brothers will step up and help out.

Kappa Delta Chapter of Chi Phi

Remember, the Chapter House is not just for the Active Brothers, but it is also a place for the Alumni to fellowship and a home for the Delta Zeta Brothers for many years to come.  More information will be shared in the coming months, and we are counting on you to answer the call!

Ready to  answer the call today? Follow this link to learn how you can make a small monthly donation that will have a huge long term impact.

Fundraising News – How do you spell S-U-C-C-E-S-S?

The Active Chapter has done it again!  The Delta Zeta’s Third Annual Spelling Bee Philanthropy, which took place on October 29th (just days after the Alumni Association’s Golf Tournament), was another success for Chi Phi.  There were a number of Greek organizations that came out to show their support and participate.  Zeta Tau Alpha won not just the 1st place award, but they also won 2nd and 3rd places as well, making them the overall winners for the night!  Delta Gamma walked away with the “Best Costume” trophy for the evening.


And the final success of the evening?  The Brothers managed to raise $450 to benefit the Boys and Girls Club of America, which is a non-profit organization that enables young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.  Congratulations to the Active Brothers for another successful philanthropic event!

Alumni News – The Old Guys Win!


The First Annual USF Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble is over – and the Old Guys won!  With ten teams and lots of volunteers and supporters, the first ever DZAA golf tournament was a fantastic success.  Alumni, Actives, and their family and friends showed off their golfing skills, but when it came down to the wire, it was the “Old Guys” who walked away the winner – the “Old Guys” being Brian Harff, Steve Shelton, Ken Bjelke, and Mike Bergland.  Congratulations, gentlemen, on a game well played!



And for those that weren’t there, you missed out on the hole challenges, such as the Cornhole Challenge and the Tutu Challenge (c’mon – how many of you regret, now, missing out on seeing Alumni such as David Ebner, Ryan Suarez, and Patrick Vega, along with our Active Brother, Kyle Schlenker, wearing tutus?!).  Plus, tickets upon tickets upon tickets were sold for the raffle as attendees placed their hopes on winning prizes such as a foursome at Westchase Golf Club, a PowerBilt Putter, 2 tickets for MOSI and 2 tickets for the Aquarium, and the ever-popular 4 USF Tumblers!


After all expenses were paid, the First Annual USF Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble raised a little over $1,500 for the Chi Phi Educational Trust, which provides scholarships to the young men of Chi Phi to help pay for their education.  A big THANK YOU goes out to all the volunteers who gave so much of their time to help make the event a success – without each and every one of you, we couldn’t have done it.  And an even bigger THANKS goes out to Board members, Brothers Kyllan Purdon and David Ebner, for the many hours that were spent over the last several months putting this event together, getting a host course, organizing the sponsors, volunteers, and challenges, and making it a great opportunity for Brothers, both old and new, to get together for a great cause.

Now the planning begins for the Second Annual USF Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble for Fall 2014…