Dues Are Due!

As many of you may recall (and some of you may not know!), effective July 1st, the amount of dues to stay an active member of the DZAA became due.  Previously, the cost of annual dues was only $25 per year, which amount has not changed in a long time – however, with the increased number of activities now being offered throughout the year, as well as the additional benefits (such as t-shirts provided to all paid members for the annual Scarlet vs Blue softball game), it was determined that the best way to maximize the Association’s ability to continue offering activities and benefits to the Alumni at no charge or discounted rates was to increase the cost of annual dues. Thus, with the 2014-15 fiscal year, the annual dues for each member is $50, which became due one July 1, 2014.


Alumni are encouraged to stay current and pay their 2014-15 dues as soon as possible. With the increased membership dues comes more benefits and activities that the Alumni can look forward to!

For more information about the annual dues, how to pay, and where to send payment, contact our DZAA Treasurer, Ryan Suarez, at dzaa1983@gmail.com

Alumni News – Spring Meeting is Here!


It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year since the new Officers were installed and new life was breathed into the DZAA, but it’s that time of year again!  The bi-annual General Meeting of the Delta Zeta Alumni Association will be held:

USF Marshal Student Center, Room TBA
Saturday, April 12th at 11:00 AM

The meeting will include reports from the DZAA Officers, as well as a discussion on plans for the upcoming year.  All Alumni who have paid their dues will be eligible to vote on issues at the meeting.  This is your opportunity to have a say in what is happening in YOUR Alumni Association.

The meeting is anticipated to last approximately one hour, and immediately following the meeting, all are invited to join us for lunch at Beef O’Brady’s.

So come out and take an active part in the DZAA, as we take the Association to bigger and better things in 2014!

Join the DZAA

By Ryan Suarez

In this article, I will explain how to join the DZAA and why to join the DZAA.

First, how you can join the DZAA? As the new executive board continues to reach out to all our alumni, we have made huge strides in ensuring the process of joining the DZAA has become convenient to YOU. With the technology at our fingertips, the methods to pay for your annual dues (which are currently $35) is very simple.

1)      You can go directly to the DZAA website at www.usfchiphialumni.com, click on the “pay here” button, and you will be directed to the DZAA PayPal site.

2)       You can write a personal check made payable to Chi Phi Delta Zeta Alumni Association and send it to the following address: 212 W. Minnehaha Street, Tampa, Fl 33604.

3)      You can attend any of the official DZAA events (such as USF football tailgates, Third Thursday’s, DZAA meeting, etc.) and with our official DZAA mobile card reader, we can accept any major credit card. Cash is also always accepted!!!

Second, why join the DZAA?  As we continue to strive to get bigger and better as an Association, we look for assistance from none other than YOU. The Delta Zeta Chapter at the University of South Florida has successfully initiated over 375 brothers since existence. With every year that passes, our mission is to add to that number and transition those newly-graduated into our family of alumni. Like many others, you ask yourself why should I spend my money to join the DZAA? Well, I have the answers.

By being an Alumnus in good standing, you will receive the following benefits:

1)      Voting rights at official DZAA meetings.

2)      Recognition in the official DZAA Winepress that is sent out to all alumni via email and posted on the official DZAA website.

3)      Customized t-shirt for the Alumni vs. Active softball game in the spring.

4)      Access to the DZAA funded homecoming tailgate at the USF football game held at Raymond James Stadium to include beverages, food, and fun.

5)      Last, but certainly not least, self recognition of alumni in good standing and knowing that you gave back to the organization you pledged!

As the DZAA continues to grow, the benefits will hopefully one day be worth it in itself. In the future, we look to possibly raise the dues amount so that the DZAA operational budget will be able to provide all alumni in good standing FREE access to large events such as the 25th Anniversary of the DZAA, and much more. Also, in case you were wondering what happens with any extra money in the operational budget — as an executive board, we have decided to put that money right back into the chapter housing fund and Chapter of Excellence fund. So, you do not have to worry about us taking lavished trips or paying car notes on your dime.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have. I look forward to seeing YOU at the next official DZAA event and remember — GO BULLS!