Extending a Warm Welcome to the New Alumni!

At this year’s Spring Meeting of the Delta Zeta Alumni Association, the outgoing officers all provided reports on their activities over the past six months, as well as took a look back at the past two years to see how much growth has occurred in the DZAA. The Board also presented and took a vote on the changes to the By-Laws, which passed nearly unanimously. Once all business was concluded, it then came time to welcome to the DZAA the newest Alumni.

Chi Phi - 2015 Alumni Installation

Recent graduates Will Bramich, Philip Gilroy, Paul Hinebaugh, Blaise Levai, David Long, and Alex Watts, as well as previous graduate Tyler Cheslosky, were all present at the meeting. The President, Secretary, and Treasurer went through the formal induction ceremony with the new Alumni, and welcomed these seven Brothers into the Delta Zeta Alumni Association.

We hope that all of our Alumni will make each of these Brothers fell welcome into the DZAA, as they leave the world of school behind them and embark on this new chapter of their lives!

Catching Up with the Graduates…

With so many years of Delta Zeta at USF, the DZAA has hundreds of Alumni, and sometimes it’s easy to forget that with each passing year, we add more Brothers to our ranks as they graduate from USF and join the ranks of the Delta Zeta Alumni Association.

grad1Brother Kyle Schlenker is one of those recent graduates, having finished up at USF back in May 2014. He recently made a switch from a vet tech to an advisor for financial aid, working alongside his friend and fellow Chi Phi, Brent Ellingwood. “It’s a great paying job,” Brother Schlenker admits, “but it’s simply a resume builder for me at this moment. Right now, I’m just working, saving money to experience the most I can. This year, I have a bachelor’s party in Key West and a wedding in Massachusetts for Brent and Madison to look forward to. Also, I’ll be attending Bonnaroo in June and plan on traveling as much as I can!”

Brother Mike Rizer is an even more recent graduate, having graduated in August. He recently started the academy for the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, and while he admittedly doesn’t see to many of his Brothers, he states, “I see Brent Ellingwood, Kyle Schlenker, Ryan Kirchoffer, and Matthew Whitney fairly frequently. Usually see Josh Cleveland whenever he’s in town as well.”

Brothers Schlenker and Rizer are just two of the recent Delta Zeta graduates to begin the next chapter of their lives, and it’s our hope that the DZAA can be a part of it!

Chapter News – As the Semester Ends…

And so another semester comes to an end at the University of South Florida, and the Delta Zeta Chapter readies itself for not only a Summer Break, but also it gears up for the coming Fall Semester.  Current Alpha, Phillip Gilroy, had a few words to share looking back:

“This past semester has been a productive semester for Delta Zeta. Despite not Alexhaving the best beginning this year, we finished strong. Unfortunately, only 2 new members were initiated. However, the Fall Semester looks very promising, with Rush Events already planned out. IFC has recently banned informal recruitment; so all new members must go through theMike formal bidding process. We are looking at having an Alumni Mixer with potential new members as a Rush Event. We participated in four (4) philanthropies, and won 1 of them, that being Chi LeonOmega’s ‘Sand Slam,’ which is a volleyball tournament. We also began to complete the Standards Of Fraternal Excellence for this year, and we are looking at hopefully getting Most Improved Chapter, as well as Chapter with Recognition in December. The Brothers who have either just graduated, or are graduating this summer are Alexander Sadowski, Michael Rizer, and Leon Ishikawa. If anybody has any questions feel free to contact me.

Philip Gilroy”

Snaps to the Chapter for all of their hard work, for the continuing drive to strive for success, and for producing gentlemen who portray the true qualities of a Chi Phi!  And congratulations to the recent graduates, as they enter into the world and join the rest of the Alumni as a part of the DZAA!

Enjoy the Summer, gentlemen, we look forward to seeing what you’re going to do in the Fall!