Fall Meeting a Success


On Sunday, October 12th, the Delta Zeta Alumni Association held it’s Fall Bi-Annual General Membership meeting at the Marshall Student Center on the USF Campus. Six Alumni were personally present, and 27 Alumni appeared by proxy, thus giving the meeting a quorum for voting purposes.

The President opened the meeting with his report, thanking both the Board members and the Alumni for making the last six months so successful. He gave an overview of goals for the DZAA, including the initiation of the Archives Project, the establishment of the Members Only section for the website, the creation of the Alumni Directory, the set-up of a digital portal for Alumni to attend meetings remotely and to broadcast some of our major events, the monetization of our website, and the re-vitalization of the Mancation! The Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chapter Advisor, and Technology Chairman all gave their reports, focusing on recent accomplishments, as well as upcoming events, such as the 2nd Annual USF/Chi Phi Scholarship Scramble coming up in two weeks.


In new business, the 2015 Budget was placed for a vote, and the Budget, as presented, was passed by a majority vote of 26 to 1 (with two abstaining). Additionally, the President withdrew his previous Motion to revise the quorum requirement for voting purposes at meeting, due to the ability now to send out early voting ballots prior to the meeting to Alumni who are unable to attend meetings in person.

The President also awarded his first President’s Award, given to an Alumnus who has shown dedication, loyalty, and service to the Delta Zeta Alumni Association. The recipient of this year’s award was Brother Todd Latoski, for his service as Secretary for the DZAA over the past year and a half.

Chi Phi President's Award

Before the meeting closed, there was discussion regarding the Housing project and the feasibility of investing in a House sooner rather than later. Consideration was given to the fact that the current savings account earns little interest, and whether an actual House may provide greater return. Brothers talked about the factors of having reliable Actives in the House who will be responsible to pay their rent, what contingency plans would be in place should the Actives not pay the rent, etc. The discussion was tabled, as the President has begun plans to create a Feasibility Committee to address these very issues.

The meeting adjourned at 12:33 p.m., at which point, the Alumni headed over to Fresh Harvest for lunch!

Fall 2014 DZAA Bi-Annual Meeting


The Fall 2014 Bi-Annual Meeting of the Delta Zeta Alumni Association is scheduled for Sunday, October 12, 2014. The meeting will start at 11:00 a.m. and will be held in Room MSC 3713 of the Marshall Student Center on the USF Campus..

The agenda for the meeting will include:

  1. President’s Report (Brother David Ebner)
  2. Vice-President’s Report (Brother Kyllan Purdon)
  3. Secretary’s Report (Brother Todd Latoski)
  4. Treasurer’s Report (Brother Ryan Suarez
  5. Technology Chairman’s Report (Brother Clinton Millsap)
  6. Chapter Advisor’s Report (Brother Quincy Banis)
  7. Archivist’s Report (Brother Jason Bornstein)
  8. New Business (including approval of the budget and President’s Award)
  9. Announcements
  10. Adjournment

All Alumni are welcome, and encouraged, to attend the meeting. All Alumni who have paid their dues will be eligible to vote on the budget at the meeting. This is your opportunity to not only hear updates on what has been happening in the DZAA and what is planned for the months ahead, but it is also a chance for you to have a say in what is happening in YOUR Alumni Association.


So come out and take an active part in the DZAA, as we lead the Association into even more exciting things in 2015!

30th Anniversary Celebration Recap – PART ONE

If you missed out on all of the 30th-ish Anniversary festivities of this past weekend, then you missed out on a lot!!!  Alumni from quite a few generations were present and accounted for over the three days of activities, and a great time was had by all, catching up and reminiscing about days gone by!

Alumni the Pub

The weekend started off on Friday night with the Happy Hour at The Pub at International Plaza. Brian Harff, David Ebner, Joshua Cleveland, Chip Woodward, Jon DeJongh, Quincy Banis, Brian Spiro, Clinton Millsap, Craig Dickinson, Chase Dafnis, Jon DeJongh, Taylor Bauer, Travis Rivers, Mike Grafstrom, Todd Latoski, and others showed up for a great evening of drinks, appetizers, and lots of memories!


After some sleep (and recovery!) from Friday’s night out, the Alumni met at the USF Marshall Center for the DZAA Bi-Annual General Membership Meeting.  A quorum was declared present, and after the officers gave their reports, a vote was taken on two measures:  (1)  to change the fiscal year to July 1st through June 30th and (2) to add two new Board members, the Technology Chairman and the Archivist, both of whom will be appointed and not elected members to the Board.  The two measures passed unanimously.


Before the meeting closed out, the Alumni inducted into its ranks a soon-to-graduate Brother, Mike Rizer.  Make sure you reach out to Brother Rizer and welcome him into the DZAA!

This, of course, was only the beginning of the weekend…